Monday, September 30, 2019
My first time traveling alone Essay
BC – 12 Narrative/descriptive essay My most unforgettable flight experience I have been exposed to traveling ever since I learned how to speak, whether by boat, bus, or plane. Living in Kuwait, a country in the Middle East, my whole family and I did our best to visit our family and friends back home in the Philippines. I learned the basics of traveling from my father and through observation. As a child I had always been excited before boarding a plane and as someone who lives far from a home country, learning to travel is a must. My father told me, that when you grow up you should learn how to travel alone. I figured that moment would be very soon. From all my experience of 11-hour flights, one stands among them all. My first time traveling alone. April 7, 2014 I had just finished second year when my parents told me the news of my transfer to Philippines. They said â€Å"since you are about to go to college two years from now, you should learn what it’s like to live in the Philippines†. At first I was shocked because my life was in Kuwait, he friends and family that I cared for, I would all leave behind once I board the plane. But since my father’s decision was final, I had no choice but to accept the change that was going to happen. My dad was the head of the family so I had to follow everything he says, he’s not very strict but when it comes to obedience, he must be followed. Put all of that aside, my father also told me, â€Å"You should travel alone since we want you to become responsible.†All my years of experience would be put to the test. I already knew what to do, the ticket was ready but my mind was not. The thought of being alone with complete strangers and the thought of disaster prompted me to think otherwise. The thing that excited me the most was also the thing that scared me. April 12, 2014 finally the day of my flight came; I was all packed and ready to go. My family went with me to the airport to see me off and when we arrived the airport was bustling with people going to and in from other countries, it was a cycle that kept repeating 24/7. I thought to myself â€Å" it really is easy to get lost in a flood of passengers coming from different parts of the world, each having a different story to tell.†After passing through the checkup point, the employees took over my guidance; there was no more daddy or mommy to help me. My first destination was a 1-hour flight to Abu Dhabi then a 10-hour flight to manila and from then on a 30 minute flight to Dumaguete. I had no problem checking in my baggage and boarding the plane because the employees were very hospitable, they assisted through almost everything including the paying of fines and finding the seat number. I was so scared at the time but the thought of a safe flight and the kind aura of the employees eased me a bit. During my one-hour flight to Abu Dhabi, it was 8:00 and I was just watching TV and ate the sandwich that the stewardess gave me nothing much happened after that and I just awaited my next flight to manila. The 10 hour flight seemed short because the plane had mini screen TV’s attached to the back of every seat where we could play games and watch movies, three hours into the flight most of the passengers were already asleep, it was very quiet but I was caught up by the games that I forgot I was even alone. It was 7:00am when we were about to land, I opened a window and the sun shone so bright and seeing the clouds, it looked like heaven. I looked down and saw the islands, the boats and the water trail left by them made the view. I still can’t explain the feeling I felt looking through the airplane window. A moment after that, the flight attendant made an announcement that we were about to land. Almost all of the passengers were awake and I was thinking of the possible dangers that could happen, but before I knew it we had already landed. Knowing that my trip is coming to a close I bought a souvenir which is a small plane attached to a keychain but for some reason I lost it three months later. Outside the airport my older cousin was waiting outside, she was studying nursing in Manila; she guided me to the next terminal where I would await my next and final flight, which is bound for Dumaguete. I boarded the plane and landed in Dumaguete 30 minutes later where my other relatives were waiting. That night I was reflecting upon the flight I had, I did not know I would miss it so much. Although the trip was over I wasn’t fully recovered from the experience and can’t wait to tell my parents about it.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
‘Desiree’s Baby’ by Kate Chopin Essay
At a glance, ‘Desiree’s Baby’ published in 1893 By an American writer Kate Chopin, depicts the miscegenation in Creole Louisiana during the antebellum era. The Antebellum period in American history is generally considered to be the period before the civil war and after the war of 1812. The technological advances and religious and social movements of the Antebellum Period had a profound effect on the course of American history, including a population shift from farms to industrial centers, sectional divisions that ended in civil war, the abolition of slavery and the growth of feminist and temperance movements. Though Kate Chopin is known to be a writer of American Realism and naturalism, the story ‘Desiree’s Baby’ is strenuous to classify, because it is extremely short. Kate Chopin often wrote about subjects that were extremely sensitive, and many of them still strike as a nerve in the United States today. In this story Kate Chopin highlights a compelling critique of the class and racial prejudice that permeated the behaviors of Antebellum South. There are many perspectives to the story including racial and ethnic abuse, shades of patriarchy and discrimination by class. There are also political and semiotic panoramas to this story, according to Ellen Peel. In addition, through the relationship between Desiree and Armand, Chopin expounds the precarious status of both those without a family and those of biracial descent. Undoubtedly, the story despite of its brevity, highlights the disruption of meaning. The character mainly responsible fo this disruption is, Desiree. She acts as a synergist to the whole subversion of meaning. The whole political and semiotic perspective, combined together gives the looming shadows of race, sex and class discrimination. According to Ellen Peel, this whole charade of disruption reaches its climax when Desiree, who everyone including her knew as white, gives birth to a baby boy that has shades of black. She is eventually rejected by her husband due to the fact that she belongs to a black race. Later in the story Armand, Desiree’s husband reveals that he himself is black from his mother side. The story takes place in an antebellum Creole community. Looming shadows of patriarchy, slavery and racism were the accepted and adopted crisis of that era. Everyone had accepted the categorized and distributed system. Racism was at its peak and the worst part about it was that the undermined people had accepted this fact, as mentioned in the story, â€Å"Negroes had forgotten how to be gay, as they had been during the old master’s easy-going and indulgent lifetime.†Furthermore, as Emily Toth has inferred, in the story of the three dualities parallel each other. Clearly, the symbol of the multifaceted society is the character Armand Aubigny. He is self-confident because of some minor yet major facts encapsulating him being white, being a male and being a master over several slaves. In order to get a grip on how this poignant story depicts various perspectives and drawbacks lets follow through the whole story. The tale begins when Madame Valmonde is going Desiree and her newly born baby. On her way, she reminisces about when Desiree herself was a baby. Monsieur had found her asleep at the gateway of Valmonde. Though many people believed that a band of Texans had abandoned her, but Madam Valmonde stuck to the theory that providence sent her this child as she lacked any children of her own. Like a queen and king in a fairy tale, they were delighted by her mysterious arrival and named her Dà ©sirà ©e, â€Å"wished-for one,†â€Å"the desired one.†The beginning of the story points towards no bitterness but a good and happy side to the story. Though the racial and slavery crisis were tremendous but the fact that even the masters of that particular society adopted a homeless child, knowing that she belonged to a black origin, shows signs of kindness and humanity. It also depict the ulterior motives behind adoption, which was the lack of her own children. But neither in the beginning nor in the end, has it ever mentioned the feelings of resentfulness from mother to her daughter or vice versa. Desiree seemed a blessing in disguise for them and they raised her as their own daughte r. Desiree grew up to be beautiful, gentle and affectionate and sincere too. She turned out to be exactly like their perfect daughter. Skipping the eighteen years of Desiree’s life, Chopin has directly jumped to the love part of the story, where Armand Aubigny saw Desiree standing next to the stone pillar of the gateway and he falls in love with her instantly. Although, he had known her for years since first arriving from Paris after his mother’s death. â€Å"That was the way all the Aubignys fell in love, as if struck by a pistol shot. The wonder was that he had not loved her before; for he had.†This love part of the story, highlights many things. The way it is shown that Armand fell in love with Desiree delineates the male dominance and pride in that society. It also depicts the lack of maturity and a bit ruthlessness in the prescribed culture. Monsieur Valmonde takes a practical approach and wants Armand to get ensure first that Desiree origin was unknown but Armand is so deeply in love with her that he doesn’t care about her origin. He decided that even if she hasn’t a family name, then he would give her his own and soon as depicted in the story, they get married. Living deeply in the roots of a society where slavery and racism is all-in-all, accepting a girl despite of her known origin highlights true signs of love as Armand doesn’t care before marrying whichever origin she belongs to. Another important universal truth and human nature has been highlighted here. Not only in the era of antebellum but since the world has started, it is but human nature to fight for what he truly loves and believe and there are so many examples and incidents in the history which show that once that thing is achieved, a person starts to lose interest in it and that is what is overshadowed by the intensified love. As soon as the story builds up its plot, a major transition is portrayed. Armand, other household staff and eventually Desiree too, see some unusualness in the complexion of the baby. She isn’t sure about the underlying problem and on confronting to her husband she finds out that the child is not while and hence she doesn’t belong to a white origin. Desiree couldn’t believe him because this was a total disastrous surprise for her. The fact that is portrayed here is the significance of the facts. The issue regarding Desiree’s origin was already present but her husband didn’t care. But confronting the truth of her origin suddenly changed every bit of him. The narrow-mindedness and injustice of that society is delineated again. What if there’s some friend of mine and we are very much close. Someday if I find out, that he originates from a family who were slaves. Would it change anything between me and him? What if someone asks the same question from Armand? The difference would be obviously seen and that is the whole point and the major transition in the story. The reasonless transition of a character from being attached and so full in love with a person to rejecting her. As described by Ellen Peel, that there are moments of surprises and transitions in the story. So, the first surprise comes when he interprets his baby’s appearance, concluding the fact that the child and its mother are not white. This fact revealed a major flaw and weakness in her husband’s character. There’s another perspective to this transition as well as it can be inferred that Desiree seems to invite projection: Madam Valmonde wanted a child so she got deceived by herself and the urge to be a mother. That doesn’t change the fact that she denied symbolism. She was a true believer and that too contradicts the writer’s beginning enlightenment. Secondly, Armand too got fooled by himself for believing that they could safely project their desires onto Desiree. In this manner, it is illustrated that even though Desiree didn’t look like from black origin but the discovery to her origin made her black. In this regard, a person who look white but has a tiny drop of black blood is considered black. As Joel Williamson believes, that the ‘one-drop-rule’ has a stand point but it eventually leads to the invisible blackness crisis. At this point in the story, two major panoramas can be looked upon too, miscegenation and disruptiveness. Disruptiveness is also a semiotic point of view explained by Ellen Peel. There’s a complex perspective to Desiree’s nature and its relevance to society. She doesn’t herself produce flaws as the flaws were there before she was even born but the role she plays is to reveal them which makes her disruptive. Another major transition to the story presents itself in the end of the story. Armand finds out that the black genes come from the baby through his own mother who was black. After Armand kicks out his wife and child, in the abusive storm of racialism and cruelty, he comes across a letter to his mother by his father, â€Å"I thank the good God for having so arranged our lives that our dear Armand will never know that his mother, who adores him, belongs to the race that is cursed with the brand of slavery.†As Ellen Peel believes that the heart of darkness lies within the self and so do I, the letter, unveils Armand’s shadowed face to himself. At this point, a big shift occurs when Armand is actually is in a position where he left his wife and child. Also, Armand had rejected his own blood because he was a product f rom a white man and a black woman and after the unveiling of the letter he finds himself in the same place as his child. This revelation shakes the whole picture of the story and the main dominant and brutal figure, Armand as he is now in the same position as his son. The famous quotation, ‘What does around, always comes around ‘: Could be the best way to explain his situation. Though the whole plot is shaken but that only highlights the issue of society at a micro level. Neither it describes the change factor nor does it propose any possible solution. In the nineteenth century, sexual relations between two people of different races, or miscegenation, bore a distinctly deprecatory connotation. As seen by the quadroon slave child who fans Dà ©sirà ©e’s own baby, interracial relations did occur with relative frequency, but such children often ended up as slaves under the theory that even one drop of African or black blood made a person black rather than white. Likewise, many biracial people who happened to inherit pale skin and European rather than African features were able to in corporate at least temporarily into white society, passing for white if they chose. In Armand’s case, he did not even have to hide because he did not know his status. Some people who passed as white, like Armand, even successfully entered the Southern ‘ruling’ class, which was not only putatively white but also rich from owning plantation lands. Meanwhile, whereas most people fell on one side of the social divide between black and white, those of mixed descent lived on the border of social acceptability. Thus, the quadroon boy serving the quadroon master is ironic but also representative of the biracial group as a demographic sector of the population. Another irony of Chopin’s story is that although Dà ©sirà ©e is probably of Caucasian blood after all, only she and her innocent baby suffer from the accusation of miscegenation, whereas the mixed-race Armand Aubigny will probably not face any consequences for either his racial descent or his cruelty to his wife. This patently unjust state of affairs occurs not only because Armand will probably take the secret to his grave but also because, as Chopin informs us in the third para graph, Dà ©sirà ©e’s status is as much a question of familial class as of racial class. Although her presumed European ancestry places her above the slave class in the hierarchy of Louisiana, being white is not sufficient to place her in a class equal to that of the Aubignys. Note also that although Armand can echo his father in forgiving a beloved woman for her societal status, Armand can never be his father’s equal because he cannot forgive her presumed racial heritage. By contrast, Madame Valmonde is portrayed as loving, kind, and eminently ethical in her refusal to condemn Dà ©sirà ©e for her questionable blood. In addition to hinting at Armand’s family secret, Chopin hints at his cruelty toward his slaves and creates an obvious parallel between his treatment of them and of his wife, who was by the legal code of the era barely higher than property. Whereas his father is described as â€Å"easy-going and indulgent,†Armand lives too strictly by the social mores of his era and not enough by a true moral code. Despite her name, Dà ©sirà ©e is only desired insofar as his standards are exceeded, and when he burns their wedding corbeille, it is the physical manifestation of the destruction of their wedding vows, in which he presu mably would have promised to cherish and care for her until death. In this manner, his seemingly ardent love shows itself to be shallow and undeserving. Another view to this story is a very different idea by Gary H, Mayer, who believes that this story originates and explains the general semantics or in other words, the story revolves around observation-inference confusion. An inference is nothing more than a mere guess which could be really destructible for anyone, according to Gary H, Mayer. According to him, the main sick character Armand, highlights a semantic error called ‘allness’, which happens when a person believes that he/she happens to know everything. Delving into the story, it can be seen that there’s a sequence of conclusions without any solid reasons by the characters. Adding icing to the top, it can also be delineated that the story represents a series of rational decisions. The decision of instantly falling in love. The decision of kicking Desiree and the child out of the house and most importantly the very first decision in the story where without any thinking, Desiree is fondled. Another weakness of human nature can be seen if we take into account a much deeper perspective to the story, which is to judge people by appearance. Armand loved Dà ©sirà ©e’s outer beauty, not her inner beauty. She was like a trophy to him. When the trophy became tarnished in his eyes, he removed it from its shelf and discarded it. He also rejected his child, for its skin exhibited a taint of impurity. Finally, like other Old South plantation owners, he viewed the blackness of his slaves as a defect that colored even their souls. However, conversation between Dà ©sirà ©e and Madame Valmondà © indicates that he apparently found time for La Blanche, the slave woman whose name (French for white) suggests that she was of mixed heritage, with light skin that made her a tolerable sexual object for Armand. Dà ©sirà ©e, speaking of the loudness of her baby’s crying, says, â€Å"Armand heard him the other day as far away as La Blanche’s cabin.†To put it briefly, the whole panorama to this short little story contains versatility in it. The beauty of Kate Chopin is that she has presented this story as a symbol as well as a lesson that should be learnt. The extent of understanding differs for the readers as some readers would find it only a depressing tragedy. Unarguably, this story portrays the racial and gender based differences in the society. Though it should be mentioned that in the present day, this major issue has been eradicated to great extent but traces can still be found at a very micro level. Overall, the human weaknesses and tantrums and can cause to such differential crisis but society as we speak, has transformed into a better example of humanity. References Peel, Allen. â€Å"Semiotic Subversion in Desiree’s Baby.†Pegues, Dagmar. â€Å"Fear And Desire: Regional Aesthetics and Colonial Desire in Kate Chopin’s portrayals of The Tragic Mulatta Stereotype.†Mayer, Gary. â€Å"A matter of behavior: A semantic analysis of five Kate Chopin stories.†Khamees, Raghad. â€Å"Desiree’s Baby.†<>
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Controversy of Funding for Education Term Paper
Controversy of Funding for Education - Term Paper Example In most countries, government institutions host most students. This congestion has jeopardized the quality of teaching and, as a result, the students’ performance is extremely poor compared to private schools. The financial investment in education has increased tremendously compared to early times. The increase in expenditure per student has not had clear explanations. There are exceedingly strict deadlines for fee payments and, most students do not manage to pay the fees on time. This has seen most students remain at home due to lack of fees. A critical issue in education finances are misappropriation and embezzlement. The funds are put into many activities and, this leads to mismanagement of the money. On the other hand, there are a lot of education developments that are being carried out. The education sector has developed tremendously despite the alarming financial challenges. Most institutions that provide education have diversified their activities, and this has made the m appear like profit making institutions. The government is not providing enough funding to the education system. (Pillay, 2010) There are many development projects in the country but, surprisingly, very few involve education. There are some exceedingly controversial situations whereby, the government will use money budgeted for the education sector to subsidize other sectors such a health and environmental sectors. For example, this leaves the education sector with a deficit and will not manage to perform all the planned activities. Readers view Although there is a vast investment in education, it the benefits of education can not be underestimated. Students have been performing exceedingly well. This is evident in the many ideas that are emerging from extraordinarily young students. The students have been given an opportunity to explore wide in education to exploit their ability. There have been significant development in the education sector and this is has been as a result of he avy funding. The introduction of free primary education is a chief issue in the education system. Although, there are no enough funds, a lot of students have benefited. The introduction of school feeding students while in school has enabled many students to be comfortable at school. Although the quality of education is not extremely superior, the stakeholders in the education sector should try their best to ensure that there are adequate funds to meet all the needs. The funds in the education sector should be put in the intended purpose. All the money used should be accounted for and any amount that is not used should be returned to the appropriate account. Any person who misappropriates education funds should be forced to refund the money and stringent legal measure should be taken. Government and the education stakeholders should ensure that the teachers are remunerated well and at the right time. Parents and guardians should pay any amount that is asked by the government. This wi ll enable the government cater for the basic needs for the students. The schools should also have clear mode of payment so that students are not out of school because of lack of adequate fees. This amount should be favourable to all people and should be enough to cater for education needs. All the needy students should get financial assistance from the government. The basis of distributing the loans should be dreadfully transparent to avoid bias. This has provided
Friday, September 27, 2019
Economic Integration has been the Most Concrete and Visible Essay
Economic Integration has been the Most Concrete and Visible Achievement of the EU Since its Creation - Essay Example The process of economic integration has been developed by the EU through involving the facet of political integration amid the member nations in order to establish a well-built monetary paradigm which could facilitate to strengthen the trade activities through considering efficient monetary guidelines (Seller, 2007). Political integration has been considered as the practice whereby countries pass over the desire as well as the ability to perform domestic and foreign guidelines of each other in an independent manner. This process is intended to strengthen decision making process of the nations rather than seeking mutual decision in terms of developing their new central organ. The term ‘political integration’ is also defined as a framework whereby the political leaders in different settings of national districts are influenced to alter their desired expectation as well as political activities to a well-structured new centre (Bache & et. al., 2011). Emphasizing upon the different practices and decisions of the EU in the context of monetary phenomenon, the major purpose of this report is to discuss the concept of economic integration in the EU. ... The process is intended to uphold lower prices both for the distributors and customers with the intention of enhancing the joint economic efficiency of the nations (Jovanovic, 2002). The concept of economic integration has been derived from Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) which had been taken by the European Council in the year 1991 and was preserved later under the treaty of EU. EMU has been recognized as an early step in terms of practicing the process of economic integration. The extent of economic integration can be segregated into six different steps which are designed to augment efficiency and empower the economic development of the states. In accordance with the economic integration process designed by the EU, the six major steps are namely the Preferential Trading Area, Free Trade Area, Customs Union, Single Market, Economic and Monetary Union as well as Complete Economic Integration (European Commission, 2012). Preferential Trading Area (PTA): Preferential trading areas (P TA) can be stated as certain areas, regions, states or nations among which the trade activities are conducted in a minimum custom barrier (Holden, 2003). Free Trade Area: It can be recognized as a group or collection of certain countries that appeal to maintain low trade policies as well as control mechanisms in terms of tariffs while performing trade activities amid each other. Free trade areas endorse the approving nations to freely execute trade activities of their products and/services so as to create economic efficiency of both the countries (Rodrigue, 2013). Customs Union (CU): The step tends to set widespread external tariffs between the member nations and
Thursday, September 26, 2019
SAINT AUGUSTINE'S CONFESSION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
SAINT AUGUSTINE'S CONFESSION - Essay Example First, Monica’s outstanding obedience to her husband influenced Augustines conversion. Second, Monica introduced her son to Ambrose, who would later baptize him. Finally, Monica compelled and encouraged Augustine to attend school that shaped his life and would culminate in him becoming a priest. Monica played a significant role in the conversion of Patricius (Augustine’s father) and Augustine. Initially, both Patricius and Augustine were not believing in Christ but finally were saved through the influence of Monica. Monica prayed to God on behalf of her husband’s soul and Augustine. Augustine recounted that Monica, â€Å"With a pure heart and faith in you she even more lovingly travailed in labor for my eternal salvation.†1 This follows that Monica vowed not to stop at nothing but to see a Catholic Christian Augustine. The mother took time praying and laboring while serving the Lord so as to send grace upon his son and get saved. Augustine wonders how his parents lived harmoniously with each other. Monica was a God fearing individual and served her husband as her lord with care to her children. Her virtuous traits bear witness to the Christian life, which make a strong impression on Augustine. She significantly inspires Augustine to grow as a God fearin g individual ultimately leading to his Christian conversion. My physical mother was distraught. With a pure hear and faith in you she even more lovingly travailed in labor for my eternal salvation. She hastily made arrangements for me to be initiated and washed in the sacraments of salvation, confessing you, Lord Jesus, for remission of sins. But suddenly I recovered. My cleansing was deferred on the assumption that, if I lived, I would be sure to soil myself; and after that solemn washing the quilt would be greater and more dangerous if then defiled myself with sins2. From the block quote above, we further realize how Monica was determined to ensure his son did not die a sinner.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Chemistre HW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Chemistre HW - Essay Example In the case of ammonia, the amount of hydrogen bonding is limited by the fact that each nitrogen only has one lone pair. In a group of ammonia molecules, there arent enough lone pairs to go around to bond with all the hydrogens available. This is why the boiling point of water is higher than that of ammonia. All known terrestrial life requires water as a solvent. This has led to speculations about whether water is the only liquid capable of maintaining life. The idea that an extraterrestrial life-form might be based on another solvent has gained traction over the years. Ammonia is a classic example. Could life exist on a planet dominated by oceans, lakes, and rivers of ammonia? Ammonia has some problems as a basis for life. The hydrogen bonds between ammonia molecules are weaker than those in water; this makes ammonias heat of vaporization be less than that of water by half. The surface tension of ammonia reduces to a third of the water. Ammonia has a lot of the same molecular properties as water that is essential for life on earth. I propose that life may evolve in an ammoniated medium the same way life on Earth grew in a hydrated one. As scientists we are yet to discover ammonia-based life. Therefore we cant discount that ammoniated aliens can or don’t exist. In the absence of absolute evidence, we are tasked to research on this issue more keenly. Even if ammonia-based organisms do not exist by our terrestrial standards, it does not mean that it cannot happen
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Tourism destinations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Tourism destinations - Essay Example Introduction Tourism activities all over the world take place at particular destinations. Destinations are very important parts of tourism since they determine whether the country is exciting to tourists or not. Most tourists get attracted to various destinations in the world through destination marketing organizations. In Australia, the marketing of various tourist destinations is done by an organization known as tourism Australia. A destination may refer to any location in any country. However, tourists may define destinations to mean those naturally attractive sites that are pleasing to explore. Destination can be a specific geographical area or a combination of several locations. Further, in the perspective of a tourist, destination can be defined as any area that has appealing attributed and services that would enable them choose the place for their leisure purposes. To succeed in destination marketing, organization such as tourism Australia should undertake a thorough analysis of the market. They should also determine other competitive destinations that can pose challenges to the Australian tourism sector. The analysis of the market should include the assessment of factors such as hotel accommodations, nature, historic sites and other attractions in the tourist destination. Other aspects that must be considered by the destination marketing organizations include security and the cleanliness of the place (Svarcas, Cass & Australian National Audit Office 5). Ningaloo Reef and Shark Bay, Western Australia Ningaloo reef is an exciting place to visit in Australia. It is also one of the best tourist attraction sites where tourists can watch as swim with the world’s largest fish known as shark. The sharks congregate in this place shortly after the collection of coral spawning; this takes place in every third month of the year. Ningaloo reef is located in the North West region of Australia and is approximately 1200km from Perth. In addition, the reef is abo ut 260 km in length and is the only reef in Australia that is located close to a landmass. The reef is also famous for its ability to allow for the feeding and the mating of sharks. This reefs provides a favorable breeding ground to ensure that the number of sharks do not reduce to extinction levels. There are several species of fish as coral that constitute the Ningaloo reef which attract several tourists to the site every year (Ningaloo par 1). Shark Bay Shark bay has one of the best coastal scenery and islands that provide exciting leisure adventures to tourists. Shark bay is located in the western part off Australia and has an area of about 4,800 km2. Other exciting species of animals that live in Shark bay include the Dugong and the Stromatolites. Stromatolites are members of the algae family that is said to be some of the ancient forms of life the world. The shark bay Tourist attraction is an important site in providing habitat for several endangered species of animals. Some o f the endangered species of animals in Australia are actually found in this tourist site. The endangered species of animals include the Boodie, Rufous, Hare-Wallaby, Banded Hare Wallaby, the shark bay mouse and the Western barred. These species of animals
Monday, September 23, 2019
Making a major Purchase Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Making a major Purchase - Term Paper Example The need for shelter is a necessity. Such, individual has to buy a house at some time or another. The bigger question would be when and will it be right time to buy it. The act of purchasing a house is relatively infrequent and generally constitutes an individual or a family’s â€Å"single most important investment and expenditure (Levy et al., 2008 pg. 253). To make the analysis clearer in this case, let us assume that the buying decision to purchase will be made on cash. Buying on cash can also demonstrate clearly the economic principles behind making such decision or indecision. To illustrate further these economic principles, let us assume that the buyer is a typical middle class with a regular job and regular income that making a purchase would require a serious evaluation on his or her part. A house is a need. It shelters us from the vicissitudes of the weather and the inclemencies of the storm. It provides a place for rest and recreation where we can grow our families and live as a person. But before getting those benefits, we can consider what we have to give up. This consideration is very important because purchasing a house is the most expensive purchase that we will make. In addition, we have to be careful in letting go of our scarce resources especially that we are still in the process of recovery. The economy has to be considered in making that purchase. There are two things that should be considered before making that purchase; first, is the economic condition of the economy as this will determine the price of the house whether it is the time to make the purchase and this will also determine the individual’s capacity to pay. The economy is still in the process of recovering and it may be slow certainly not entering into a recession as observed by Fred Smith, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of FedEx Corp. (FDX) (Del Giudice, 2011).
Sunday, September 22, 2019
International Business Essay Example for Free
International Business Essay The social and economic catastrophe was one of the worst problems after World War I and lasted through the 20th century. The Battle of Ideas, was a battle between the power of government and the forces of the marketplace. For over half of a century, the world was moving toward a government control from a communist world to a mixed economy. In the 1980s the old policies of these economies began to fail dramatically, and two economist were battling the ideas of what they thought will work better for our geopolitical landscape. John Maynard Keynes was from Britain and believed his revolutionary theories on unemployment and recession was going to help government take a lot more control over their economy. Friedrich von Hayek was an Australian and advocated for a free-market capitalism. Ludwig von Mises was an economist that predicted that new Soviet socialist economy would never work, because the government controlled wages and prices. These prices are the very heart or centerpiece in which is what makes the economy work, without these set standards our economy would be in chaos. This is one of the effect that has been on our geopolitical landscape. Like suggested in the video â€Å"with our traffic signals the street will be in chaos.†That is the same with our economy if we do not have a centerpiece, guidelines or standards this can cause a chain reaction not just in one economy but all over the world. There is a lot of connection to Globalization in these videos. The world was moving from a communist economy to a mixed economy. In the videos it talks about The World Bank Group and The International Monetary Fund, both of these play a huge role in Globalization and are global institutions. Some of the supporting factors of Globalization in the video were as follows, technologies changed played a big part in the changing economy. Better telecommunication factors helped people communicate quicker and help people get the important information that was needed. This is very important because the faster they can communicate the quicker everyone is on the same page and know what is going on in the economies. In the video they also talked a lot about political economy, political systems such as a democracy and totalitarianism. They also were also showing the differences between market, command, and mixed economies. I also saw connection between legal systems such as common law, and civic law. The regulations and standards they try to set to create less chaos were some examples of the legal systems. These systems helped get the economy back on its feet. Cultural and society plays a big role in connection to these videos. I do believe what John Maynard Keynes theory was suggestion. If the people were not afraid to spend some money and go out and purchase items, this will help the economy get its feet back up like they did after â€Å"The Great Depression.†I also think this depends on this theory because not everyone has money to spend, or savings to use. I think the government needs to have set standards to help create jobs and help create an income for the people.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Introduction to Environmental Science Essay Example for Free
Introduction to Environmental Science Essay Be able to define an environmental factor. There are two types (condition and resource). What is the difference between a condition and a resource? Be able to categorize particular environmental factors as conditions OR resources (for example, temperature is a condition and not a resource). Be able to rank from smallest to largest: ecosystem, landscape, biome, biosphere Be able to rank from smallest to largest (in terms of numbers and diversity of life): species, population, biota and biosphere. Also, what is the difference between a population of a species and a species overall? Make sure you can explain the Law of Limiting Factors. What is the difference between the optimum conditions, the zones of tolerance and the zones of stress? Can life exist outside of the zones of tolerance? Outside of the zones of stress? Be able to list the primary atoms in organic compounds. What is the difference between a producer and a consumer? Be able to classify life as one or the other. Make sure you know the products and reactants for photosynthesis and cellular respiration. In each of the following cycles, be able to identify the primary source for each atom (atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere): Carbon cycle, Nitrogen cycle, Phosphorous cycle. Be able to categorize an environmental resistance factor as population density-dependent or density-independent. Some examples may include food availability, water availability, disease, temperature, wind and available space/shelter. What are biotic potential and environmental resistance, and how are they related? Be able to define critical number (what this means for a species survival), threatened and endangered. Make sure you can list characteristics of a K-strategist versus an r-strategist. Is an elephant a K- or r-strategist? What about a fly? Be able to describe, and identify, the following community interactions: predation, competition, mutualism, commensalism, amensalism. What is an adaptation? Be able to identify common types of adaptations of organisms (camouflage, prickles on cactus, ability to store water in the desert, hibernation in cold climates, long necks to reach food, etc. see table in your Power Point and textbook). See more: introduction paragraph example How does the process of selective pressure influence the processes of evolution and speciation? What IS the process of speciation? What is time frame for evolution and/or speciation of complex species (i.e., not single-celled organisms like bacteria)? Can species that evolve from other species still mate with the species from which they evolved? How are the Theories of Evolution and Continental Drift complimentary? Be able to identify the exponential growth rate equation and the logistic growth rate equation. What are the differences between the two? (For example, carrying capacity is only in logistic growth, the shapes of the curves are different.) Be able to describe how (in what way) each of the four human population revolutions impacted the carrying capacity for humans on Earth. Make sure you can tell me what each of the letters stands for in this equation, I = (P x A x T)/S, and how increasing and decreasing each will change environmental impact (I). Make sure you know what each of these trophic categories or food web terms are: Autotrophs, Heterotrophs (includes decomposers, consumers), Producers, Consumers (first-order, second-order, third-order). Where do herbivores, carnivores and omnivores fit into the consumer classes? Be able to list the 6 major biomes, and compare them in terms of precipitation and temperature (precipitation is the primary factor that determines biomes, and temperature is the second most important factor). What are common values that humans place on biodiversity? What was the goal of the Endangered Species Act? Does it protect the organism only, or also its habitat?
Friday, September 20, 2019
Muscle Training Intervention in Heart Failure Article Review
Muscle Training Intervention in Heart Failure Article Review Principles of Research in Nursing Practice A Critical Appraisal of Padula, C. A., Yeaw, E. and Mistry, S. (2009) A home-based nurse-coached inspiratory muscle training intervention in heart failure. Applied Nursing Research, 22: 18-25. Guidelines by Burns and Grove (2011) form the basis of this appraisal. Statement of the problem purpose of the study Padula et al. (2009) begin by discussing the clinical problem that led to the research being conducted. Disabling dyspnoea in heart failure (HF) is affecting patients’ quality of life. Impaired inspiratory muscle function has been recognised as a potential source of dyspnoea in HF. The purpose of the research emerges logically from the clinical problem which is to determine the effectiveness of an inspiratory muscle training intervention (IMT) on dyspnoea and health-related quality of life (HRQOL). The purpose of the study is directly linked to the clinical problem because the experimental hypothesis; if upheld may facilitate improved therapies for HF patients. Literature Review This section is clearly defined and well organised. A review of the abstracts for the eight sources cited in the ‘IMT in HF’ section denotes that all are relevant primary data-based studies. There are only two sources cited within 5 years of the acceptance date for publication. Sources should be current (Burns Grove, 2011). The researchers fail to acknowledge whether a systematic search strategy was exercised (Moule Goodman, 2009). Furthermore, the investigators may have found additional sources if they had included theoretical literature. Padula et al. (2009) paraphrase the knowledge gleaned from each source and form a critique of the overall methodology used in these studies. Three of the studies did not employ a control group; this decision may have threatened their capacity to infer causal relationships. In the RCTs, sample sizes were small and effect sizes were not published. Consequently, the ability to detect differences in outcomes between groups was compromised (Seers Critelton, 2001). The literature review identifies gaps in the knowledge base which builds a case for the present study. Padula et al. (2009) report that further research is necessary to determine the precise intensity of IMT. Study Design Sample There is ambiguity regarding the study design as the researchers refer to the study as an RCT on two occasions. On closer inspection, the study does not meet the criteria for this classification as complete experimental control is not possible (CASP, 2014). The study is a two-group quasi-experiment with pre- and post-test design (Hek Moule, 2006). This design is appropriate to address the research question. Although participants are assigned to groups with equal probability, the method selected (i.e. coin toss) is not entirely appropriate for small sample sizes (i.e. n=31) because it may lead to imbalance between the size of the experimental group and control group. Schulz Grimes (2002) explain that when a succession of tails or heads is thrown, it is tempting for the researchers to modify the results. This may result in subtle differences between groups. A more sophisticated method would be to use computer generated random numbers (Crombie, 2005). RCTs are conducted in research units to ensure greater control over extraneous variability. The present study was conducted in patients’ homes. The research population was stable HF patients without coexisting pulmonary disease or cognitive impairment. The sampling method is nonprobability convenience because the researchers recruited participants by means of newspaper advertisements and physicians’ offices (Clark-Carter, 2001). This method may have excluded patients who did not visit their physician on a regular basis. The article fails to include a power analysis; a test to assess the study’s ability to detect significant differences. The researchers acknowledge that the sample was small (n=31). An effect size for IM strength was reported (d=0.48). Data Collection The data collection methods are appropriate for measuring the dependent variables (Padula et al. 2009). Test-retest reliability values are documented for the following measures: PI max, the Borg scale (1982), and self-efficacy. These values should be documented for all data collection methods (Burns Grove, 2011). This useful statistical test is a measure of the stability of the scores elicited over time (Sim Wright, 2000). A Chronbach’s alpha score was only documented for one of the measures. This statistical test measures internal consistency; i.e. how confident are we that the individual items in a scale are accurately measuring the same construct (Clark-Carter, 2001). The article reports that the research assistants followed a specified protocol, however this is not provided in the report. The article should document all the steps taken to reduce errors during the data collection process (Burns Grove, 2011). For example, it is unknown whether steps were taken to reduce user error in taking physiological measurements such as respiratory pattern. Measurements were taken at spaced intervals (i.e. weeks 1, 3, 6, 9 12); this design feature strengthens our confidence in the findings. Mention should be made here of the possibility of demand effects; the notion that participants may have modified their responses on the Borg scale to match the expectations of the study (McCambridge et al. 2012). Analysis The inferential analyses (ANOVA) conducted are appropriate for the type of data collected (Ratio/interval and ordinal; Dancey Reidy, 2011). Post hoc analyses were used to detect the location of the differences in two of the dependent variables; a best practice approach. A table showing all mean scores including significance levels for each dependent variable would be beneficial to the reader. A significant difference was detected for IMT strength in the experimental group (p Discussion The key findings are clearly stated and are consistent with previous literature. The researchers offer an alternative explanation to account for why a significant improvement in IM strength and dyspnoea in the IMT group was found. Participants may have become accustomed to the technique of generating high maximal inspiratory pressures; this is referred to as the training effect. This is a confounding variable that could compromise the internal validity of the study. The researchers account for why the secondary aim of the study was not met. The measurement for self-efficacy (the CSES) was inadequate for the purpose it was intended for. The researchers acknowledge the study’s limitations – the relatively small sample size (n=31). The strict inclusion criteria effects external validity as the findings cannot be generalised to patients with HF and coexisting COPD which is prominent in the population. This is acknowledged as a potential source of error. The study contributes to an evidence base for the use of IMT as an additional treatment for stable HF and provides recommendations for future research. Word count: 1100 References Borg, G. (1982). Psychophysical bases of perceived exertion. Science in Sports and Exercise, 14 (5): 377-381. Burns, N. and Grove, S. K. (2011) Understanding nursing research: building an evidence-based practice. 5th ed. Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier Saunders. Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) (2014) CASP checklists [online]. Available from:!casp-tools-chcklists/c18f8. [Accessed 1 June 2014]. Clark-Carter, D. (2001) Doing quantitative psychological research. East Sussex, UK: Psychology Press Ltd. Crombie, I. K. (2005) The pocket guide to critical appraisal. London: BMJ Publishing Group. Dancey, C. and Reidy, J. (2011) Statistics without maths for psychology. 5th ed. London: Prentice Hall. Hek, G. and Moule, P. (2006) Making sense of research: an introduction for health and social care practitioners. 3rd ed. London: Sage Publications Ltd. McCambridge, J., de Bruin, M. and Witton, J. (2012) The effects of demand characteristics on research participant behaviours in non-laboratory settings: a systematic review. PLoS One, 7 (6): e39116. Moule, P. and Goodman, M. (2009) Nursing research: an introduction. London: Sage Publications Ltd. Padula, C. A., Yeaw, E. and Mistry, S. (2009) A home-based nurse-coached inspiratory muscle training intervention in heart failure. Applied Nursing Research, 22: 18-25. Schulz, K. F. and Grimes, A. (2002) Blinding in randomised trials: hiding who got what. The Lancet, 359 (9307): 696-700. Seers, K. and Critelton, N. (2001) Quantitative research: designs relevant to nursing and healthcare. Nursing Times Research, 6 (1): 487-500. Sim, J. and Wright, C. (2000) Research in health care: concepts, designs and methods. Cheltenham, UK: Stanley Thornes. 1
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Defending Privacy of Personal Information Essay -- Internet Web Comput
Defending Privacy of Personal Information Privacy does not have a single definition and it is a concept that is not easily defined. Information privacy is an individual's claim to control the terms under which personal information is acquired, disclosed, and used [9]. In the context of privacy, personal information includes any information relating to or traceable to an individual person [ 1]. Privacy can be defined as a fundamental human right; thus, privacy protection which involves the establishment of rules governing the collection and handling of personal data can be seen as a boundary line as how far society can intrude into a person's affairs. The Internet offers many benefits but it also creates many threats that undermines our personal privacy. Concerns about loss of privacy are not new. But the computer's ability to gather and sort vast amounts of data and the Internet's ability to distribute it globally magnify those concerns [1]. Privacy concerns on the Internet are centered on improper acquisition, improper use of personal information such as intrusions, manipulation, discrimination, identity theft, and stalking of personal information. Today the Internet stretches our geographic boundaries and force us to deal with global ethic based on moral principles held to be valid across the cultures. Due to the nature of the Internet, our personal information may be transmitted over the internet and that the transfer of personal information may be made to any country in the world, regardless of the extent of any data protection laws and regulations in any of those countries. Protecting privacy on the Internet It has long been believed that information is power. Thus, people collecting personal information in ... ... 2. Privacy and Human Rights 2003 3. Herman T. Tavani, "Privacy Online," Computers and Society, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1999, pp. 11-19. 4. A. Michael Froomkin, "The Death of Privacy ?", Stanford Law Review, May 2000. 5. CPSR: Electronic Privacy Principles 6. Daniel Lin, Michael C. Loui, "Taking the Byte Out of Cookies: Privacy, Consent, and the Web" Computers and Society, June 1998. 7. Herman T. Tavani, James H. Moor "Privacy Protection, Control of Information, and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies", Computers and Society, March 2001 8. FTC: Protecting Privacy and Security of Personal Information in the Global Electronic Marketplace 9. Jerry Kang "Cyberspace Privacy: A Primer and Proposal" Human Rights Magazine, Volume 26, Number 1, Winter 1999. 10. CPSR: Potential Threats to Privacy 11. An International Survey of Privacy Laws and Practice
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Humanism The Renaissance And M Essays -- essays research papers
Humanism      The introduction of the concept of humanism greatly affected the Renaissance. The Humanistic influence shaped Renaissance art, writing, education and thinkers, its ideas were spread among all aspects of life. Machiavelli’s writings during the Renaissance were also affected by the ideas of humanism. His ideas reflect the thoughts of humanism in the way he thought governments and societies should be organized.      Humanism’s influence on art was very obvious, it could be seen slowly infiltrating all art throughout the Renaissance. At the begging of the Renaissance, most art was very dark and dismal. The works portrayed people doing very menial labor, the people did not seem happy and their clothing was very plain. As the Renaissance progressed and humanism’s influence was more felt the paintings used lighter colors, the people in them were smiling and their clothing many times included gold trim or accents. The late Renaissance art also has a larger focus on religion, as humanism inspired people in many forms by the use of religion.      Humanism came about with the idea that a person should have a very rounded education covering many aspects of society especially history, geometry, and art. During the renaissance as the ideas of humanism spread, especially in its educational sense, more schools and universities were erected and a much higher percentage of people were forma...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
A Blend of Tradition and the Contemporary
Music has always been a part of the rich Lebanese culture and has played a very important role in many religious traditions. The beautiful rhythm of Arabic tunes mixed with peculiar characteristics of gypsy music in the country proved to be a great blend which resulted to a rich production of intensity that captivates listeners.The characteristic soothing rhythm and wild beats made Lebanese music known around the world. Traditional Lebanese music incorporates instruments such as the oud, the derbake and the ney. These instruments are still being incorporated to pop music that the new generation is enjoying today.The traditional music of Lebanon is usually sung in either Lebanese or Egyptian language. Aside from this, musicians, artists, singers etc, differ on the way they incorporate music to their individual sound. The artists differ in so many ways. Some artists were known to differ in their music because of their Lebanese dialects. Most are distinct because of their style, the ir sound and instruments.Very few Lebanese musicians try to remain loyal to the traditional music which is called Jabali (of the mountains). One of which is Mohammed El Helani more popularly known as Assi Helani, who is a major music force in the Middle East since the 1990’s. He is a strong musician and follower of the traditional music like mawall and dabke.Dabke, which is usually presented during important and joyous occasions such as weddings, family parties and competitions. This is a very energetic music which usually leaves the audience ‘stomping their feet’-which is the literal meaning of Dabke.Pop music on the other hand is not a new fancy among the Lebanese audience. The growing influence of the western culture made it’s way not only on Lebanese every day living but also on it’s music. Although western pop music is very distinct from Lebanese pop music because it fuses pop melodies and it’s pop-Arabic roots at the same time. The pop music of Lebanon also focuses on the melodramatic melodies and sad states of mind. Nancy Nabil Ajram is also a popular singer among the Lebanese people. A multi-platinum folk artist, Ajram is considered to be one of the most important superstars ranking 3rd among the best selling female singers of Lebanon. Her style is incorporating the traditional Lebanese music with and infusion of Western culture. Her formula proved to be very potent since most of her followers are the young and old alike of the generation.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Aeronautical Decision Making Essay
The airlines developed some of the first training programs that focused on improving aeronautical decision making (ADM). ADM is a systematic approach to the mental process used by airline pilots to consistently determine the best course of action in response to a given set of circumstances. Human-factors-related accidents motivated the airline industry to implement crew resource management (CRM) training for flight crews. The focus of CRM programs is the effective use of all available resources: human resources, hardware, and information. Human resources consist of all groups routinely working with the cockpit crew (or pilot) who are involved in decisions that are required to operate a flight safely. These groups include, but are not limited to: dispatchers, cabin crewmembers, maintenance personnel, and air traffic controllers. The importance of learning effective ADM skills cannot be overemphasized in the airline industry. While progress is continually being made in the advancement of pilot training methods, airline equipment and systems, accidents still occur. Despite all the changes in technology to improve flight safety, one factor still remains the same – the human factor. It is estimated that approximately 75 percent of all aviation accidents are human factors related. Historically, the term pilot error has been used to describe the causes of these accidents. Pilot error means that an action or decision made by the pilot was the cause, or a contributing factor that led to the accident. This definition also includes the pilot’s failure to make a decision or take action. From a broader perspective, the phrase â€Å"human factors related†more suitably describes these accidents since it is usually not a single decision that leads to an accident, but a chain of events triggered by a number of various factors. The poor judgment chain, sometimes referred to as the error chain, is a term used to describe this concept of contributing factors in human factors-related-accidents. Breaking one link in the chain normally is all that is necessary to change the outcome in a sequence of events. By discussing events that lead to an accident, it can be understood how a series of judgment errors can contribute to the final outcome of a flight. An understanding of the decision-making process provides a pilot with a foundation for developing ADM skills. Some situations, such as engine-failures, require a pilot to respond immediately using established procedures with little time for detailed analysis. Traditionally, pilots have been well trained to react to emergencies, but are not as well prepared to make decisions requiring a more reflective response. Typically during a flight, there is time to examine any changes that occur, gather information, and assess risk before reaching a decision. The steps leading to this conclusion constitute the decision making process are defining the problem, choosing a course of action, and implementing the decision and evaluating the outcome. The first step in the decision making process is problem definition. Defining the problem begins with recognizing that a change has occurred or that an expected change did not take place. The exact nature and severity of the problem are determined by the pilot’s senses and experience in flying. For example, a low oil pressure reading could indicate that the engine is about to fail and an emergency landing should be planned or it could mean that the oil pressure sensor is giving a faulty reading. According to the situation, each action by the pilot is taken differently. An important note is that once the pilot has identified the problem, other sources must be used to verify that the conclusion is correct. Once the problem has been identified, the pilot must evaluate the need to react to it and determine that actions that must be used to remedy the problem. The expected outcome of each possible action should be considered and the risks assessed before deciding on a response to the situation. Although a decision may be reached and a course of action implemented, the decision making is not complete. It is important to think ahead and determine how the decision could affect other phases of the flight. As the flight progresses, the pilot must continue to evaluate the outcome of the decision to ensure that it is producing the desired result. The decision-making process normally consists of several steps before choosing a course of action. To help remember the elements of the decision-making process, a six-step model has been previously developed using the acronym â€Å"decide. †Detect the fact that a change has occurred Estimate the need to counter or react to the change Choose a desirable outcome for the success of the flight Identify actions which could successfully control the change. Do the necessary action to adapt to the change Evaluate the effect of the action Another important aeronautical decision making is risk management. During each flight, decisions must be made regarding events involving interactions between the four risk elements: the pilot in command, the airplane, the environment, and the operation. The decision-making process involves an evaluation of these risk elements to achieve an accurate perception of the flight situation. A pilot must continually make decisions about competency, condition of health, mental and emotional state, level of fatigue, and many other factors. Airplaneâ€â€a pilot will frequently base decisions on the evaluations of the airplane, such as performance, equipment, or worthiness in the air. Environmentâ€â€this encompasses many elements not pilot or airplane related. It can include such factors as weather, air traffic control, navaids, terrain, takeoff and landing areas, and surrounding obstacles. Weather is one element that can change drastically over time. Operationâ€â€the interaction between the pilot, airplane, and the environment is greatly influenced by the purpose of each flight operation. Also, exercising good judgment begins prior to taking the control of an airplane. Often, pilots thoroughly check their airplane to determine airworthiness, but they do no evaluate their own fitness for flight. Just as a checklist is used when pilots check their pre-flight of an airplane, a personal checklist based on such factors as experience, currency, and comfort level can help determine if a pilot is prepared for the flight. In addition to a review of personal limitations, use the â€Å"i’m safe†Checklist in evaluation of the pilot.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
International Student Organization
International student organization. East Carolina University is a university with enrollment around 30,000 students; 299 of them is international students from 67 countries. When students choose to attend the university; they begin a new part of life. Many students go to study in other cities, and some students go to other countries. America is a very popular and high-class education that is valued all over the world, and of course a lot of students from other countries want to get a degree here.People in different countries behave differently: religion, ethnicity, geographic location and quality of life plays an important role in the behavior of people. Therefore, students that come to America from other countries have more difficulty than those who were born and raced here. Foreign students need time to adjust to a different culture, a different language, and many other things.A possible way for international student to deal with the complexities of ECU joins the International Stud ent Organization (ISA). The ISA help international students understand American culture and feel more like at home by having festivals, shopping and field trips and a lot of different events. The ISA , one of over 200 student organizations at ECU, is mostly composed of foreign exchange students, or students who were not born in America although. The meetings and club are open to anyone who wants to join.The main reason it was setup was to give international students an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the American culture in part through a campus experience, and also to offer non-international ECU students, with an interest in one cultures, knowledge and experience in working with individuals from other backgrounds. It also allows international and American students to share experience and learn about other cultures at personal point of view.The ISA cooperating with International House provides a special orientation for international students through the â€Å"First f riend program†(FFP) so that new students do not feel lonely. International Ports O’Call stage of PirateFest The International student organization was involved in many activities and events. One of the biggest events in which ISA was involved in was the Pirate festival. PirateFest gives international students a chance to share their culture to help others understand them etter. This â€Å"annual event celebrates eastern North Carolina's rich history steeped with famous pirates, including the infamous Blackbeard and Greenville's own Pirates of ECU†(Mike Davis), and encourages people to wear pirate regalia-hats, swords, and eye patches. The festival is held over two days and is composed of different stages, each of which represents a different event. The event feature food, art and crafts vendors and also musical and stage performers.Historical trolley tours stage is a very useful and interesting part of the festival because it's a great way to move around the fe stival especially for international students who do not know the location of streets in the city. One of the most interesting stages for international students was the â€Å"International Ports O'Call†because includes music, food, and attractions from nations around the world, and it will definitely help international students to feel more like at home and make it hard to forget about their culture.For international students who are coming to study in another country it is hard to find friends. It is not easy to get used to the different behavior of people and be open to new acquaintances. Therefore, and in cooperation with ISA the international house created the program called â€Å"First friend program†(FFP). To be involved in FFP both mentor and mentee must fill out an application, which has questions that help determine the background, interests, preferences and other information needed to help decide the best mentee-mentee match.The FFP is really easy because by filling out an application you know that you'll meet someone who has same interests as you. The FFP helps international students to adjust to life at ECU as quickly and smoothly as possible, and also enhance satisfaction with their academic and social experience. This program is very useful for students because they will not feel lonely and homesick, they are able to meet new friends and also international students can learn the nuances of culture from the inside, as well as be more successful in learning.Besides homework, tests and grades, a student social life is fun, but it is not always easy to find entertainment that are always enjoy. Many international students don't have a car and therefore their possibilities are limited, but the international house â€Å"every Friday makes shopping trips†(William Mallett). Drivers take students where they want to go and take them back to residence after shopping. Also every Thursday students can go to greenway excursions. Playing sp orts and socializing in the fresh air, very useful and at the same time you can see new parts of the city as well as make new friends.Most people believe that studying in a different country is a privilege because they are able to experience other cultures, and learn from them. However, in the United States it is not as good as they thought because International students have much more pressure being in this country, and sometimes they cannot handle it very well. Therefore, in the United States the life of an international student is very unfavorable if people compare it to the life of an American student.International students have to learn a new language to study, they cannot work while studying, and their tuition is much more expensive. When people moves to the United Stated to study they imagine that it will be very helpful, and they believe that learning a new language will not be a problem. However, when they really start studying their major, they find out that it is not easy since people have to really understand and appreciate the language. International students have to really learn English, and they have to know how to write it in order to have success.Also, for them to have success in university they have to participate in class, and analyze an amount of readings, and because they are international students, it is very difficult to achieve since they believe that Americans are going to laugh at them or make jokes of them if they say something incorrectly. For example, some Americans do not realize sometimes how hard is for international students being in a different country, with different people, learning a new language, and experiencing different cultures, so some of them do not really appreciate the effort that international students put on being in the United States.It’s way more pressure for international students. They have to have good grades and work as hard as possible, because if not people back home going to put a lot of shame on them and their parents. Studying in different country it is always competition for international students, but if students choose right University where people care about international students and trying to help it shouldn’t be that hard.International student organization definitely helps students from other countries feel more comfortable and less homesick, so they can you do best in classes to compete with other student on the same level. Work cited. Mike,Davis. â€Å"Arrrgh you ready for Pirate Fest? †East Carolinian, 12 April 2012 . Web. 1 November. Mallet,William â€Å"International Student Organization. †30 october. 2012 [email protected] edu Personal page Office of International Affairs www. ecu. edu/intlaffairs/
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Memorial Health System Essay
In going through the case study of the Memorial Health System CPOE Implementation it is apparent that the direction of the implementation was developing trouble from the onset of the proposal and the evaluation (Wager, Glaser, 2009). The first problem that is apparent is the lack of belief in the project. When the board approved the CPOE initiative and appointed the champions of the project the CEO Fred Dryer and CIO Joe Roberts there was already opposition from some of the stakeholders about this project. The physician believed the CPOE system would create more workload for them as well as this system reducing the physician to secretaries. To minimize the effect of this indicator a physician would have been appointed as a champion of this project to serve as an advocate of the system (Wager, Glaser, 2009). To gain buy-in from other physicians and user of the new system to ensure they have adequate input into the decision- making process (Wager, Glaser, 2009). The lack of clarity of purpose is apparent in this implementation. The project does not determine the scope and expectations clearly the board approved a multimillion dollar initiative to install an enterprise-wide clinician provider order entry system to reduce medical errors. To minimize this indicator the implementation team must determine the scope of the project and what the organization hopes the project will achieve (Wager, Glaser, 2009). A senior health care executive should meet with the implementation team to set the tone and communicate how the project relates to the organization’s strategic goals (Wager, Glaser, 2009). The team will determine the scope, establish expectations, and institute a project plan to minimize this indicator (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Insufficient leadership support is another indicator that played a part in the failure of this implementation. When leadership wants to hear positive communication about a project and not the negatives the project will fail. To minimize this indicator clear and concise communication on the progress of the project is necessary the leader involve in the project should make time for reports on the progress of the implementation to handle any issues that may occur that could hinder the progress of the project (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Appointing people who believe and committed to the project into leadership position to lead the team and make time for communication from team and other leadership (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Another issue that was an indicator of failure to this project was the requirements analysis was rushed several key workflow and system integration issues were missed. To minimize this indicator a thorough requirement analysis is done to ensure that all workflow analysis to support the change in workflow and the system requirements analysis to ensure the requirements needed for the system to work are aligned with the strategic goals of the organization (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Budget cut to the project was a big indicator the would lead to failure of this project because in the status review meeting it was presented that the project was on scope, on schedule, and on budget led to leadership taking resources from the CPOE project. It is important the present a true picture of how the project is going not just what someone wants to hear (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Present a clear picture of how the budget is spent and what the project will continue to spend as the implementation goes to completion, such as training, or a newer version of the software (Wager, Glaser, 2009). Showing an account of the budget can help to minimize this indicator (Wager, Glaser, 2009). This project was doom from the beginning there was not a clear scope or the expectation of the project. Analysis were not done there was not a detail project plan plus and unrealistic time line for the project to be implemented. Leadership did not communicate enough to persuade the stakeholders who were against the project to change their thoughts and so on. However, for the project to work the objectives of the initiatives are clear and communicating these objectives and initiative, and test the degree to which the organizational members have brought into them. Dividing the project into manageable pieces address the complexity and test the evidence that the project may be at risk from trying to do too much all at once. Reference Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2009). Health Care Information System: A practical approach for health care management (2nd ed.). San Frncisco, CA: Jossey-Bas.
Friday, September 13, 2019
African American Injustice Essay Example for Free (#3)
African American Injustice Essay African (466) , Black people (388) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints ? â€Å"In the eyes of white Americans, being black encapsulates your identity. †In reading and researching the African American cultural group, this quote seemed to identify exactly the way the race continues to still be treated today after many injustices in the past. It is astonishing to me that African Americans can still stand to be treated differently in today’s society. In reading â€Å"Blacks in America†, Andrew Hacker states that â€Å"being black in America has consequences in areas of: wealth, identity, raising children, occupational opportunities, place of residence, and treatment in the criminal justice system. †To be honest, and I feel bad saying that I already knew this was happening to African Americans. I have heard stories of blacks not getting jobs; regardless of how qualified they are for the position, because of the color of their skin. I have heard stories, and even witness black children getting picked on in school because of the simple fact that they are black. I watched a video in school where a black family moved into a white neighborhood, and before long all the white families had moved out because they didn’t want a black family in their neighborhood. This was confirmed by Hacker in my research in the quote, â€Å"Almost all residential areas are entirely black or white. †I have also seen videos of African American men getting beaten by white arresting officers, and have heard stories of many black men being stereotyped by policemen. This must be why Hacker states â€Å"When white people hear the cry, â€Å"the police are coming! †it almost always means, â€Å"Help is on the way. †However blacks cannot make the same assumption. †These are all reports and events that I think the average American has seen before, but yet most people, including myself, continue to just shrug of and ignore. I guess it’s something that I might have subconsciously accepted, or maybe refused to think more deeply about. In reading and researching, I reaffirmed knowledge that I refused to take a greater note of. I wouldn’t say I learned anything new, because I knew what I wanted to focus on. A quote from Andrew Hacker’s article summarizes the above best, â€Å"In the eyes of white Americans, being black encapsulates your identity. †It may be easy to tell how I am going to focus this anthology. I am going to focus it on the injustices that African Americans continue to face in the United States today. That being, I know exactly what I need to get out of my interviewees, but it is probably a sensitive subject for some of the people I need to interview. I am not black, and I don’t know what it feels like to face this discrimination in everyday life. I can understand the tenderness that African Americans must feel then, when revealing and talking about their experiences with discrimination. I would think then, that it must be especially sensitive to talk about with a person from the race that they receive this everyday discrimination. It will be interesting to hear all the different types of prejudice that my interviewees have received throughout their lives. I would imagine that it ranges from just a look, or the way white Americans act around them, to voiced and physical altercations between themselves and white Americans. Hacker at times seems to be speaking directly to African Americans as he describes these altercations, â€Å"So many of the contacts you have with them (white Americans) are stiff and uneasy, hardly worth the effort. †But to me, that is exactly what the problem is. Why would it not be worth the effort? The first step to take for the uneasiness between the two races to cease to exist is for us (all people) to stop seeing color because once we act differently around the other is where all the problems seem to start. The second step is to make these contacts worth the effort. If we choose to continue to stay in our own comfortable circle of race, when is the problem ever going to end? The answer is never. My opinion as a white 18 year old is that most of the blame lies on the white race. Imagine being eyed every time you go into a store, having your car searched for no reason, or greeted warily at restaurants all because the color of your skin is different. We ignore this daily discrimination because no cares enough anymore to take notice that it happens every hour, every day somewhere in the United States. Will it ever stop? Not until we each take the steps to make it. A recent census commercial I’ve seen said â€Å"We (United States) can’t move forward until you mail it back. †I believe that our country can’t move forward and truly be great until we make sure these daily discriminations are eliminated from our society. In this project, I will interview African Americans on their personal experiences with discrimination, how they handle it, and if they think anything can be done about this problem. Sources: Andrew. 1999. â€Å"Blacks in America. †Pp. 160-168 in The Meaning of Sociology, 6th ed. , edited by Joel Charon. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. A Time to Kill. Dir. Joel Schumacher. 1996. â€Å"African American History. †University of Washington Libraries. Web. 02 Apr. 2010. . African American Injustice. (2017, Jan 24).
Two questions essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Two questions - Essay Example The echo boomers are known to be interested with diverse fun activities and projects. Therefore, for the hotel to attract them, it has incorporated different activities in its services. Such activities include; golf course facilities, swimming pools, pool tables, and libraries. Echo boomers are also known to be high achievers with the desire to make a lot of money while still young. With hotel having this generation as their major target, it has also implemented such facilities as gambling machines. It also holds events such as auctioning of expensive items such as wall paintings. Most of the persons attracted into the hotel are therefore able to make money by taking advantage of the different opportunities offered at the hotel. Other business opportunities are also made possible by the hotel inviting the experienced business entrepreneurs who then offer investment projects to the echo boomers. Therefore, with all these activities and facilities, the hotel has hence managed to attract its target group, the echo boomers. Ecotourism mainly deals with nature and preservation of the environment. Therefore, it is one strategy that has made a lot of progress in attracting people who are interested with the natural environment. Ecotourism has promoted the tourism industry through use of attraction such as national parks and natural resources. Ecotourism also makes the environment appeal to people thus, attracting many tourists even those that are not interested with nature (Whyte, 2010). Space is one viable tourist attraction in the world, but which is very expensive. Currently, only few persons have managed to undertake this source of income since many people also assert that is a dangerous activity. An organization that is working to make this economic attraction possible is the Depaul Space tourism Organization. Despite a lot of challenges being experienced in the
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Optical systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Optical systems - Essay Example in wearable technology has become possible due to the technological developments in battery power, chip evolution, improved accuracy, and materials science advancements. There are major names of companies that has provided platforms for the wearable technology, which includes, Microsoft, Google, Nike, Samsung and Apple, while the earliest company entering in this field was Adidas. Though, the current use of wearable technologies is limited, but the future for this seems quite bright (Ranck, 2012). The purpose of this report is to investigate the present use and potential use of â€Å"optical†sensors, devices and displays in wearable technology, and also to research and investigate the topic of plastic optical fibers, their applications and devices used. The wearable technology has become much popular in today’s market, and there are a number of areas in which the wearable technology is currently available. A report by Beecham research in 2013, has shown the wide use of wearable technology in a number of areas, as they suggested that there are five key areas being augmented from the popularity of Wearable Technology Developments. These seven areas are the Security or Safety sector, Medical benefits or E-Health, Fitness or Wellness, Sports Fitness, Lifestyle Computing, Communications, and also the style or Glamor (the areas are given in the appendix as figure 1) (Beecham Reseach Ltd., 2013). Among the devices used as wearable, â€Å"†¦the wrist-worn devices are currently the most publicized areas in wearable technology, with 15.6% of all companies being directly involved†¦Ã¢â‚¬ as according to a research conducted by (IDTechEx, 2014). The most famous wrist-worn device is the smart wristband in the area of fitness and health and sports fitness, where the device is basically a modest computer, which is made in a way that it can be easily fixed on the wrist and monitor the consumers’ fitness through a number of related sensors. In this area, a recent example can be
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Cost Accounting Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Cost Accounting - Research Paper Example Among the various costing methods, absorption costing and marginal costing are the two important tools that are widely used for managerial decision making. This piece of research paper describes the differences between these two methods and explains the arguments for and against these costing methods. Marginal Costing As Lucey and Lucey (2002, p. 296) defined, marginal costing is an accounting system in which variable costs are charged to some specific cost units for a period of time and fixed costs are fully written off against the total contribution, which is the value of sales less variable costs. Marginal costing is widely used and is considered to be more effective and useful in the valuation of stocks and in the calculation of total costs of goods sold because of that only variable manufacturing costs are considered in this type of costing method. Variable manufacturing costs are considered in this costing method as they are attributed to the cost units and fixed costs are igno red. Marginal cost and variable production costs are more often used interchangeably. When ever an extra one unit of the output is manufactured, the additional cost incurred for manufacturing that one extra unit will be ultimately variable because the fixed cost remains always constant. Weygandt, Keiso and Kimmel (2005, p. 265) pointed that fixed manufacturing costs are never considered to be production costs and these are not considered in the inventory valuation as well as in management’s decision making process. Marginal costing is a strategic managerial accounting tool that can be used to disseminate managerial information about costs incurred in the manufacturing and other business operation and relationship between some of the significant elements such as profit, volume, costs and efficiency. Glautier and Underdown (2001, p. 441), found that the very basic advantage of using marginal costing is that it is an easy success-pathway for the management to make proper decisio n and achieve business success accordingly. Absorption Costing Absorption or full costing, in contrast, considers all the manufacturing costs including both variable and fixed costs. All manufacturing costs are fully attributed and absorbed to the final output (Jawahar-Lal, 2008, p. 627). direct costs are attributed directly to the cost units and thus they can easily be identified along with the output, whereas manufacturing overheads are attributed to the product and other overheads including administration and selling expenses. As Williams, Haka and Bettner (2004, p. 923) argued, the use of absorption costing will be very effective when the variable costs such as direct material costs and direct labor costs are directly charged to the product and fixed costs are charged proportionately to different products manufactured during a particular period of time. One of the criticisms that absorption method of costing faces is that it presumes prices as the functions of the costs and thus demand of the product is less considered. It includes past costs that are relatively less relevant to the current pricing and is therefore relatively less dependable for managerial decision making. Absorption costing may not be an
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Differentiated Instruction for Student Readiness Essay
Differentiated Instruction for Student Readiness - Essay Example A statewide assessment of teachers in California recognized the top three challenges facing high school teachers regarding English language learners (Gibbons, 2002). The leading problem is communicating with English-language learners regarding academic, personal and social issues. The second challenge is motivating and encouraging English-language learners. The final challenge is addressing the diverse and individual needs of English-language learners in both English-language acquisition and academic skills. Critics have, however, proved that if teachers improve on their skill, then they will be in a better position to teach these ELL students (Cruz, 2005). Therefore, on to the thesis, this article is addressed particularly to teachers, as well as administrators in schools, which have bilingual, or dual language programs, but lack proper strategies of implementing them. The article will describe strategies that will help educators scaffold content along with language learning for ELL s. It will also suggest likely steps in implementing some of the vital elements of the strategies and direct educators to additional resources. These strategies are derived from numerous research studies from the past years that recognize effective methods for improving English language learners’ content knowledge. It also focuses on ways of improving English along with other subjects such as math, history, literature and science. Vocabulary and Language Development Content Knowledge The first strategy is vocabulary and language development whereby teachers or educators introduce fresh concepts through discussing vocabulary, which is vital to the concept being taught (Helmer & Eddy, 1996). Exploring crucial academic terms, such as algorithm, starts a sequence of lessons on greater math concepts, as well as the student’s background knowledge. Educators could join student-accessible concepts or synonyms to the essential vocabulary. Educators could also help students in d ifferentiating word meanings and their uses for subject-specific duties and prerequisite language skills (Gibbons, 2002). Academic Language It is essential to engage beginning-level learners in using the basic social and school phrases, vocabulary, as well as sentence structures (Gibbons, 2002). As the ELLs progress, educators should continue to contextualize instruction of complex language forms and uses. Teachers can, at this point, incorporate subject-specific vocabulary, sentences and grammatical forms in the readings and writings in the class (Helmer & Eddy, 1996). Sample Activities and Assessments Assessing the progress of these students could be done in a variety of ways such as word analysis and interactive editing (Hu & Nation, 2002). Word analysis involves practices such as ELLs dissecting words into their parts like prefix, suffix and root. Interactive editing, on the other hand, involves noting cloze paragraphs, reading subject-specific journals and dictations. Finally, when assessing the progress of ELLs, it essential to give them journals or A-B-C books to read out loud to the educators to check on their progress (Nation, 2001). Guided Interaction Content Knowledge Guided instructions assist teachers to structure lessons for students to learn together so as to understand what they read (Nation, 2001). This can be achieved through, speaking, listening, reading, as
Monday, September 9, 2019
Reflections on Experience with Second Life Essay
Reflections on Experience with Second Life - Essay Example Being a downloadable client programme created by Linden Lab, San Francisco, United States gives the participants known as 'avatars' an opportunity to socialize and interact with other people of the virtual community, exchange views, buy or sell land and present their talents to the community. As per the website of 'Second Life', presently more than three million people have registered themselves with the community. With the growth of the broadband internet connections especially in the United States, where there is an increase from 30 percent (2005) of the Americans having a high-speed connection at home to 42 percent in 2006 has enhanced the passion for participation in this virtual world. This paper attempts to narrate the experience on the environments encountered in 'Second Life', the potential social and political implications of this virtual medium and also the possible future uses. As is being claimed by 'Second Life' this unique digital world offers a lot of opportunities to develop one's own skills by exhibiting what they are capable of creating. Especially people who are introverts and shy of meeting the other people in the real world can improve their socializing behaviour by interacting freely with other 'avatars' of this virtual world. People can give concerts, draw pictures; build houses and hotels and trade in any other commodities. All the trading transactions will be just like as happening in the real world. Because of the three dimensional effect of the site, one gets a feeling that he is interacting with the fellow community member in real life. This gives ample scope for the development of specialized skills of public speaking or playing musical instruments in front of an invited audience. People can shed their inhibitions. In 'Showcase'-one of the environment of 'second life' one can bring out his or her real talent to be appreciated by the fellow avatars. Second Life provides another opportunity of real time sales meetings with the customers and it is possible to make customer presentations through this media. Distance learning is another possibility which would be a very useful feature for the students to acquire a quality education. There are much more environments like business, property development and community interaction available in this virtual world which are distinguishably rare phenomena that need to be evaluated by one's own personal encounter and experience. 3.0 Social Variables Influencing Participation in 'Second Life': The social variables generally influencing any issue of importance are the Family Structure, Ethnicity, Language, Demography, Educational standards. Employment Status, Crime rates, Cultural Factors, Action by community based organsiations, Lifestyle issues, Recreational factors, Psychological factors and Historical dependence. This part of the paper analyses the influence of some of these social factors on the participation in 'Second Life. Of all these variables, recreational and psychological factors may have more impact on the participation than other variables. The people who feel shy and having inhibitions to present themselves to others in the real world may be more susceptible to participation in this virtual world. Similarly people who have more time at their disposal for recreation may well be influenced by this engrossing multimedia interaction and may see this as a
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Eating Habits of College Students Research Paper
Eating Habits of College Students - Research Paper Example Also, it demonstrates how adequate understanding of consequences of poor eating habits can improve the health of the students and the entire nation. 1. Research question(s), rationale and qualifications, This study aims to answer various issues relating to eating habit of the college students. For example, how does food quality of campus cafe affect eating habits of the college student? What factors influence the eating habit of the college students? Is there a relationship between campus life and eating students eating habit? Does poor eating habit among the college students have any effect on their health? What is the link between the level of health dietary awareness and students eating habit? 2. Outcomes and impact The rate of overweight and obesity in the United States has been rising at an alarming rate as well as the prevalence of lifestyle diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes and so on. Various studies have shown that the most affected population are those between the age of 18 and 29 years, and an unfortunate majority of these are the college, students. Also, about 36% of the college students are either overweight or obese (Farrell, 2010). The menace of overweight or obesity among the college students has been contributed by unhealthy eating habits. The college environment has also made a significant influence on the eating habits of the students because of the availability of large portions of high calorie and fat foods as well as buffet style cafeteria (Deshpande et al., 2009).
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