Monday, December 23, 2019
History of Medicine - 1288 Words
The medieval period is normally not associated with advances in technology, nor with contributions that benefit society. Yet, our medicine today owes much of its development to physicians of that time. Medicine of that era was strongly influenced by superstition and the doctrine of the Christian church, and did not have much foundation for practical application. The need for medicine in Middle Ages was certainly great, considering the extreme amounts of plague and disease prevalent during that time (Grigsby 2). Unfortunately, medical knowledge of that day was of very little help (Margotta 68). Physicians had no concept of disease causing bacteria or viruses. Unfortunately, it was thought in that day that illness was either due to†¦show more content†¦In fact, since the herbs that Apothecaries used to make their medicines were usually extremely expensive spices, most doubled as merchants (Gottfreid 108). Physicians were the primary treatment practitioners during the middl e ages, yet into the 13th century, numerous medical treatments were being conducted by a new and separate group of people known as barbers, barber-surgeons, and surgeons. These new groups increasingly took on the responsibilities of many types of invasive and non-invasive procedures. These new groups did not receive their training from universities, but from a hierarchy of apprenticeships regulated by guilds. The contributions of their procedures however, were significant (Duin 26). Only a few surgeons undertook complicated operations and then only for life-threatening or extremely painful conditions such as bladder stones, urinary obstruction and toothache. There were attempts at anesthesia to reduce pain: sponges were impregnated with opium or mandragora and placed in the mouth or nose. However it is unlikely that these worked very well, since contemporary illustrations show that it was necessary to restrain patients physically during operations. (Duin 27) Barbers were very i mportant in the medical community. By the end of the Medieval period, the barber surgeons had a distinguished place in society and were very well established (most becauseShow MoreRelatedHistory of Medicine1796 Words  | 7 Pagesat the history of medicine over the past two hundred years, you would see the advancements in all aspects. The technology and money that is spent on medical research and development is astronomical. I am going to start with a few questions, maybe they would pertain to yourself or possibly a friend or family member. What if you could have a medicine that was natural and could be organic and you could choose how you would like to ingest your medication as well? 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
A Beautiful Mind; Living with a Troubled Mind Free Essays
The film â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†takes us on a journey of the life of Dr. John Nash, a brilliant mathematician who suffered from schizophrenia. The film goes from him not knowing he has this illness to the point where he learns to deal with it in his own way, with his wife by his side. We will write a custom essay sample on A Beautiful Mind; Living with a Troubled Mind or any similar topic only for you Order Now Throughout the film, we see John with his college roommate, Charles. We see John with Charles’ niece, Marcee. We see John with Parcher, the head of a CIA-like organization that needs John’s help decoding Russian messages. These three people are not real. They are figments of John’s imagination.They are hallucinations. Whenever they are on the screen, no one else sees them. The little girl Marcee goes running through a crowd of birds on the ground, and none of the birds fly away. Whenever Charles is on screen, he is never around for the other people around John to see. Parcher is very secretive and everything is top-secret. When first watching the film as it progresses, you don’t realize that these people are not real. It is not until John is acting increasingly paranoid and his wife is worried enough to call a psychiatrist that we realize more is going on. Dr.Rosen intercepts John during a math conference when John sees him and some men and he fears they are coming for him, and he decides to run. In the hospital, we see that most of what went on in the film were John’s own delusions. Schizophrenia is a mental illness that is characterized as a group of brain disorders where people interpret reality abnormally. It may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking and behavior. People with schizophrenia do not have the ability to function normally and care for themselves, this ability deteriorating over time.It is a chronic condition requiring lifelong treatment. According to the DSM-IV-TR, schizophrenia symptoms are two (or more) of the following, each present for a significant portion of time during a 1-month period: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior, negative symptoms, i. e. , affective flattening, alogia, or avolition. Only one symptom is required if delusions are bizarre or hallucinations consist of a voice keeping up a running commentary on the person’s behavior or thoughts, or two or more voices conversing with each other.A sub-type of schizophrenia is paranoid schizophrenia. With this type, there is preoccupation with one or more delusions or frequent auditory hallucinations and none of the following are prominent: disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behavior, or flat or inappropriate affect. During the movie, I found that I could recognize some signs and symptoms that John Nash was exhibiting. I saw that he would constantly tap his head when solving math problems. He shuffled when he walked, holding his bag tight against his chest. He kept away from crowds. He preferred to be alone, only talking to his â€Å"roommate†from time to time.He didn’t have close, personal relationships until he met the woman that would become his wife. He acted paranoid, constantly looking out of the window, or looking over his shoulder, thinking someone was after him. He thought he had a chip implanted in his arm from the government. All of these things impacted his life. He lost contact with the few friends he had, that he worked with. He pushed his wife away. He stopped working and concentrated only on looking for the code in magazines and newspapers that would show the conspiracy of the Russians trying to bomb us.He thought he was working a secret mission to decode these messages that the Russians were putting out there. He never noticed the people looking at him funny or laughing behind his back. He ended up being committed and had to go through shock therapy and was put on medication. He realized he was sick when in the hospital his wife came to visit and showed him all the classified letters he thought he had been sending out at the secret location and he tried to find the chip in his arm by scratching it out but seeing that there was nothing there.Once he was out and back home with his wife and son, he continued to take his medication, but I could see that he was unhappy and his mind was slowed down from the medicine. His delusions were gone. He couldn’t solve his math problems, and he couldn’t have sex with his wife. He then started pocketing the pills, and he then began to see Charles, Marcee, and Parcher again. The delusions came back, but his mind was back to being able to solve the math problems he loved. His wife found out when he almost let his son drown in the tub because Charles was watching him.His wife almost had he re-committed but he said he wanted time to try to work on his illness on his own. Over time, he learned to deal with his hallucinations. Although he still saw Charles, Marcee and Parcher, he ignored them and went on with his life, even winning the Nobel Prize. There are five axis’ that are used to make a full diagnosis for a mental illness. Axis I is clinical disorders. John is schizophrenic with paranoid tendencies. He suffered with delusions and hallucinations consisting of a voice keeping up a running commentary on his behavior or thoughts, or two or more voices conversing with each other.His hallucinations consist of a voice keeping up a running commentary on the person’s behavior or thoughts, or two or more voices conversing with each other. He had a preoccupation with one or more delusions or frequent auditory hallucinations. Axis II is personality disorders. John has antisocial personality disorder. He showed impulsivity or failure to plan ahead, irritability and aggressiveness, reckless disregard for safety of self or others, and consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior. Axis III is general medical conditions. Diagnosis deferred on Axis III.There was insufficient information to make any diagnostic judgment about an Axis III diagnosis. Axis IV is psychosocial and environmental problems. John had occupational problems and social problems. He stopped going to work and he kept to his house, not going anywhere or seeing anyone. Axis V is global assessment of functioning. I assess John at a GAF of 51. This means moderate symptoms with John having moderate difficulty in social and occupational functioning. This number borders on severe. John’s symptoms stayed throughout and may have begun at severe but over the course of the film he was moderate and stayed that way. If John Nash had been my client, I would have worked with him through therapy and medication, just as they did in the film. Schizophrenia is so hard to treat sometimes, especially if they go off their medication. They need to want to help themselves. John realized that he had a problem and was willing to work on it. I would also encourage him to confide in his wife. She was willing to stand by him and that helps. I have learned quite a bit about mental illness, mainly schizophrenia, from this film. The film was excellent and kept me involved the whole time.I watched a second time to better see the symptoms develop and notice little things that I did not see the first time, like the birds not moving when Marcee was running through them. I felt so bad for him when he began to realize himself that the doctors and his wife were right. At first, he seemed quirky or eccentric. Meeting someone like him, I would more than likely not think of schizophrenia. I would have just said, â€Å"Oh, he’s a genius. He’s just eccentric. †I would have written his behavior off that way. After this film and my classes, I realize that sometimes you can’t just write it off and must look further.I admire Dr. John Nash because he wanted to beat this without medication and he did. It showed me that if you want something bad enough and have the strength and the will power, you can overcome your obstacles. I felt like this film was also a love story. His wife stayed by his side the whole time and of the few relationships he had, this was an important one to him. He loved her and wanted to be better for her and their family. When accepting the Nobel Prize and giving his speech, he pulled out the handkerchief his wife gave him many years before that he always kept with him and kissed it.It was a moving moment and the film overall was beautiful. Schizophrenia can run in families. I did a little checking and found out that John Nash’s son, John Charles Martin Nash, became a mathematician like his father and was also diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic. It just goes to show how it can follow down the family line. I also found out that the movie was more fictionalized than Dr. Nash would have liked. We did not see in the movie that he had a son from a previous relationship and that he and his wife Alicia had divorced in 1963 and after a few years, got back together.They lived together like housemates and then renewed their relationship in 1994 when he received the Nobel Prize. They remarried in 2001. Whether real life or in the movie, the message remains the same. All is not lost when diagnosed with this illness. You can overcome schizophrenia whether with drugs or on your own. You need support and you need that inner strength to guide you. You can succeed!References A Beautiful Mind. Dir. Ron Howard. 2001. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/John_Forbes_Nash,_Jr. http://www. apa. org How to cite A Beautiful Mind; Living with a Troubled Mind, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Repay free essay sample
The hardest time in my life would have to be the year my dad went to jail. It was nothing serious but they kept delaying his court day for over a year. This was a major turning point in my life. I was just starting the 7th grade when it happened and and I had to change my whole life style. My mom, as amazing as she is, could not keep up with the bills so we had to get rid of some stuff and so had to move in with my grandma inside her apartment. I went from having my own room to having to share one with my sister and younger brother. It was also hard to focus on school, but I managed to keep my grades up and pass on to the 8th grade and on October 30, 2008 after school I open the door to my grandmas apartment and find my dad sitting on the couch. We will write a custom essay sample on The Repay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I immediately drop my backpack and run over to give him a hug, something I wasnt able to do in a long time. That day I felt like a ton of weight was taken off my shoulders. Not all bad things came from this experience though, I learned many life lessons along the way which helped me become the person I am today and helped change my outlook on life. Before I had no idea how lucky I was to have the things I had and how hard my parents worked to get them for me. Now I appreciate everything I have, even the small things, and I feel so bad when I ask my parents for money, I would much rather earn it than it just be given to me without doing nothing in return. Also before I would just say things without thinking them through, now I am very careful about what I say which is probably why people tell me Im so quiet. Im just afraid I might say something that is unintended and it have a negative effect. I also learned that your life can change in a blink of an eye and that you should live each day to the fullest. Now Im working hard in school trying my best to keep my grades up. I am very interested in anything art, I have taken two art and one ceramics class in high school so far and I have enjoyed all three of them very much. Not to brag or anything but at the beginning of the ceramics class I was the first to make a cup on the wheel, I saw this as a great achievement. Even thought its just drawing on paper or making pots, art has given me some great skills I find useful in other life situations. I have learned to become neat and organized, which comes in handy when taking notes or working out math problems on a test. I also learned to become a perfectionist and to take my time when doing something like drawing a picture. This comes also comes in handy when doing other things because I pay close attention to what I am doing and so Im less prone to making a mistake and if I feel like something is wrong I will find what it is. Right now Im taking a graphics design class which deals with basically drawing and editing images on a computer. I think this has been the most fun and interesting art class Ive taken so far and I hope to pursue a career in graphic design. I want to make a living on what I love to do the most which is to draw. I know its going to take a while and hard work on my part but it will be well worth by the time Im done with college. I will hopefully be working with big companies and making lots of money. If things turns out like I want them to I will be able to repay my parents for all the things they have done and all the sacrifices they have made to get me to where I am now and where I will be in the future.
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