Monday, August 24, 2020
DNA in Criminal Investigations free essay sample
This paper examines how the utilization of DNA proof assists with criminal examinations since it can give a positive connect to a suspect in a wrongdoing or discover them blameless. (Need assistance Go to Link) This paper spreads out how DNA has become a fundamental apparatus is criminal examinations. Territories that are talked about are the manner by which even with the littlest drop of blood it can interface a suspect to a wrongdoing. The paper shows how the utilization of DNA database proof likewise helps with unraveling old violations by connecting a suspect. As the innovation keeps on changing DNA will be extricated from numerous different regions, for example, even unique finger impression oils. DNA testing has achieved a lot in opening up new wellsprings of scientific proof, its maximum capacity to recognize culprits and absolve individuals erroneously indicted still can't seem to be figured it out. First created in England in 1985, DNA testing exploits the way that, except for indistinguishable twins, the hereditary material of every individual is one of a kind. We will compose a custom paper test on DNA in Criminal Investigations or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page DNA is the synthetic deoxyribonucleic corrosive, which conveys the hereditary code of every human body, the hereditary diagram we acquire from our folks. DNA, while not really a piece of salivation, pee, sweat or tears, is found in one spot, the core of cells. Since these cells are found in every single natural liquid, tissue and hair, DNA is an inescapable buildup that trails us any place we go. These physical properties of DNA have made it a significant instrument in battling wrongdoing.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Telecommunication Net Neutrality
Question: Portray about the Net Neutrality? Answer: Official Summary This task mirrors internet fairness in these cutting edge days. In any case, this examination mirrors that internet fairness is the significant pattern in nowadays of media transmission industry. A few approach and issues that relates with the internet fairness has been present in this task connects with the social settings of the arrangement of media transmission industry. In any case, this examination additionally speak to the present review of the internet fairness in India. Through the task, experts portrays the complexities of the internet fairness on the planet and gives an extraordinary reference of India for understanding the complexities of unhindered internet in India. The fundamental explanation of expanding unhindered internet is the expansion number of offices that gave the system specialist co-ops to the clients. Larger part of system specialist co-ops in this world doesn't obstructed the outsiders movement over calling the IP in the web association. In the wake of prop elling the web on the planet since 1980s, the network access suppliers still not incorporated any specialization or legitimate principles for utilization of web by the outsiders. This is the key explanation of expanding internet fairness in the World. From the perspective of India, unhindered internet is the current just as significant difficulties in light of the fact that TRAI (Telecommunication Regulatory Authentication of India) is as yet incapable to actualize proper guidelines and guidelines remembering some important rule for terms of giving admission and clear web access. A few strategies have been portrayed that immovably relates with the unhindered internet, for example, arrangement in regards to web get to, web advertising deliberate, imperfections of system, and so forth. Presentation Powell Cooper (2011) assumed that web impartiality is one of the most specialized sounding expression just as horrible sounding expression inside the media transmission condition. Nonetheless, Coucheney, Maille Tuffin (2013) opined that internet fairness is understanding the working system of phone lines that begin to work since twentieth century. From the perspective of phone correspondence line, the specialist organizations of phone lines, for example, Airtel, Vodafone, BSNL, MTNL, Reliance, and so forth permits the client in dialing and interfacing with others over web. This sort of rule is known as the internet fairness. The deals that goes inside the servers are never constrained by the Internet Service Providers. During the hour of web surfing over web when the web client utilized web, they gets some speed. Be that as it may, the information course in the web remain hypothetically same particularly when the web client use YouTube and Facebook. With no impedance from the Interne t Service Providers, clients are not permitted to get to any legitimate sites or the web administration in web. Caverns (2012) contended that client can get to the lawful sites or the lawful web administration over web with the consent of network access suppliers. The specialist co-ops of the media transmission administration in this world never obstructed the character of different gatherings over calling and furthermore never postpone the association for one specific number. Nonetheless, Cheng, Bandyopadhyay Guo (2011) refered to that the phone correspondence specialist co-ops deferral or square the third partys telephone number when it was constrained by law. On the planet, there were most f the nations, for example, Australia, United State of America, Europe, China, and so forth have set a few standards for the media transmission specialist organizations with respect to their administration when it is given an unlimited and unfiltered telephone administration. During the hour of 1980s or 1990s, when the web was first propelled, there were no specific principles or guidelines by the administration regarding offering types of assistance to the client. In this manner, the Internet Service Providers (ISP) didn't keep any standards or guidelines. Nonetheless, there are telecom administrators that were likewise Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Along these lines, greater part of telecom administrators keep up certain standards regarding offering support to the client (Guo, Cheng Bandyopadhyay, 2013). 2. Idea of Net Neutrality endure Cheng, Bandyopadhyay Guo (2011) refered to that unhindered internet is the idea of understanding of the men. The unhindered internet is made due since scarcely any prior years since larger part of the web clients utilized web from most recent 30 years. In past years, utilization of web was minor. As the innovation change quickly, the utilization of web increment to a great extent. In this way, presentation of advanced cell in the network increment the utilization of web generally. In these cutting edge days, data innovation becomes ever more elevated. Accordingly utilization of web is one of the major and essential piece of the network. The Internet Service Providers on the planet attempts to make an intensity of shape just as attempts to control the traffic over web as per the utilization of the net by the client (Guo, Cheng Bandyopadhyay, 2013). Aside from that, the Internet Service Providers gives a few different ways that permits the client in keeping alive the unhindered interne t. From the web traffic, the purchasers of the web clients requests for the hands off methodology as far as proceeding with the Internet Service Providers. The Internet Service Providers permits the client in adopting the proactive strategy of there is any infringement of the unhindered internet. The clients of the web are likewise permitted in enlisting their disappointment to the criticism type of Internet Service Provider. As indicated by the maintain of the unhindered internet, the client likewise compensated the Internet Service Providers. Be that as it may, so as to make better holding with the buyer, the media transmission accomplice TRAI (Telecom Authority of India) makes a few guidelines and guidelines that are clear and exact standards as far as securing the internet fairness. As indicated by the magistrate of Telecom Regulatory Authority in India, TRAI began on attempting to survey the data in regards to Internet Service Providers controls the whole traffic that streams over the web. TRAI gives their best exertion as far as directing the way toward controlling traffic over web. Through shaping guidelines and set of clear diagram, TRAI make the web open and easy to understand. It permits TRAI in ensuring the unhindered internet. In early days, the client of web was little. In this manner, TRAI had the option to set the standard effectively and track data from the web traffic. In this way, they faces numerous challenges as far as changing the framework since now the client of web is more than $800 billion. 3. Territory of Net Neutrality in India In India, the idea of internet fairness doesn't exists. As per the executive of Center for Internet and Society in Bangalore to be specific Sunil Abraham, TRAI still attempts to build up certain principles and guideline as far as keeping up the unhindered internet in India. For example, in 2006, the Telecom Regulatory Authority in India welcomed the ideas of the unhindered internet fro, the partner and industrys point of view. Nonetheless, it has been seen that, there were no conventional arrangement of decides or guidelines that shaped for the authorizing just as maintaining unhindered internet. Then again, Coucheney, Maille Tuffin (2013) contended that the Internet Servce suppliers in India, for example, Airtel, BSNL, MTNL, Reliance, Tata DOCOMO, Vodafone, Aircel, Idea, and so on are for the most part hold fast to the unhindered internet from the perspective of set of rule. Larger part of the Internet Service Providers in India disregarded the unhindered internet. Crocioni (2011) opined that utilization of information traffic is expanded increasingly elevated just as exponentially of TSPs. Hence, increment of web builds up a few issues from the perspective of web get to. In present situation, it has been distinguished that individuals or the web client interest for the free and open access administration in Internet. Firth Pierson (2011) contended that, larger part of web client requests for the free access administration over web with no limitations. It has significantly expanded because of the fundamental promoters if various kinds of Application Service Providers accessi bility in Internet. So as to guarantee the open web get to, the web administrator needs to manufacture the few administrative, for example, Act with the expectation of complimentary utilization, create circumstance just as utilize different procedures that helps in managing the issues of Over the Top administrations. 4. Present Scenario of Net Neutrality 4.1 Policies on Net Neutrality As indicated by the executives of TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India), the network access suppliers have not to give any permit charges till October, 2003. Consequently, from the first November 2003, the Internet Service Providers needs to token a permit expense that was exorbitant Rs. 1 for each annum that was payable to W. E. F. In India, there isn't any limitation on giving number of administration to the client in every one of the three classifications of network access territories, for example, A, B and C. As indicated by the audit report of Groh (2012), there are in excess of 390 Internet Service Provider licensees out of 135 ISPs in India. Guo, Cheng Bandyopadhyay (2012) refered to that in India, there are dominant part of ISPs work various help aside from Vodafone. As indicated by the survey report of 2010, there were in excess of 12 million web client inside al part of India. The utilization of web was expanded subsequent to propelling the cell phone in India in 200 2 (Owen, 2015). In this manner, in excess of 20 Internet Service Providers made the endorsers in India that are over 97% of the supporters. During that time, just 2% endorsers were made by the other Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in India. Dominant part of web supporters were made by the Airtel in the telecom showcase in India. The leading group of Telecom Regulatory Authority in India, gave 128 Internet Service Provider licenses as far as administration web communication (Greenstein, 2006). Notwithstanding, just 32 ISP have begun to offer support of web te
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Jane Heir Writers, Families, and Writer Families
Jane Heir Writers, Families, and Writer Families This look at books by relatives of famous authors is sponsored by The Years After You by Emma Woolf, from Amberjack Publishing. The Years After You is a tale of betrayal and forgiveness, family and friendship, loss and redemption. A painful but powerful modern love story, it explores the cost of marital infidelity and the challenges of single motherhood, the legacy of suicide, and the healing power of love. Families are a common topic for writers. From sibling squabbles to difficult marriages and the struggles of being a parent to the struggles of having parents, families are a true gold mine for writing fodder. But what if your own familial inspiration are writers themselves? Here are a few of the various family ties from the literary world. Siblings “Siblings: children of the same parents, each of whom is perfectly normal until they get together.†? Sam Levenson The Bronte sisters: Anne, Emily, and Charlotte Arguably the most famous group of sibling writers of the literary canon, these ladies wrote some of the most beloved British classics. With Jane Eyre, Agnes Grey, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, and Wuthering Heights, the sister Bronte may prove that literary talent is genetic. Lev Austin Grossman Fans of The Magicians trilogy (The Magicians, The Magician King, and The Magician’s Land) are already aware of Lev Grossman and his ability to create intriguing worlds, but his brother Austin is also an amazing writer, from exploring the lives of super villains in Soon I Will Be Invincible, to the world of video games and their designers in You. David Amy Sedaris Anyone who has read one of David Sedaris’s essay collections (Me Talk Pretty One Day, Calypso, Barrel Fever) know that he portrays his family as hilarious and quirky, and his sister Amy’s books pretty much reinforce that portrayal. Covering topics like “Entertaining the Elderly†(I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence) and instructions on how to make decorative ghosts out of tampons (Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People), you can be sure that Thanksgiving at the Sedaris house was probably an entertaining evening. Parents/Children “Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.†? James Baldwin Alice Walker Rebecca Walker With her works like The Color Purple and House of My Familiar, Alice Walker has established herself as one of America’s preeminent writers. However, her daughter Rebecca Walker is also an accomplished and influential writer in her own right. Her books Black White and Jewish: Autobiography of a Shifting Self and Baby Love: Choosing Motherhood After a Lifetime of Ambivalence among others have shown that Rebecca not only has a keen eye on identity and culture, but also that she can carry on her mother’s legacy. Kingsley Amis Martin Amis Martin Amis is probably most well-known for his satirical novels focusing on the excesses and questionable morals of modern society, such as Money: A Suicide Note and London Fields. Martin’s father, Kingsley Amis, also made of career of writing wry and sardonic commentary about society a generational earlier, including the novel Lucky Jim. Though they both utilize dry humor in their work, father and son differ wildly in style and tone (and, as shown in Martin’s memoir Experience: A Memoir, a lot of other aspects of life), giving each their own unique voice. Spouses “Friends see most of each other’s flaws. Spouses see every awful last bit.†? Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl Zadie Smith Nick Laird With works such as White Teeth and Swing Time, Zadie Smith is arguably one of the most accomplished and acclaimed modern authors. But she is not the only successful writer in her household; her husband, Nick Laird, is an accomplished writer as well. Laird has written numerous works of poetry, including To a Fault and Feel Free, as well as the novels Utterly Monkey and Modern Gods. Michael Ondaatje Linda Spalding Those familiar with historical fiction are probably already aware of the author Linda Spalding and her works that focus on northern abolitionists, such as The Purchase and A Reckoning. What they may not know is that Spalding’s husband is Michael Ondaatje. Ondaatje, who is most known for The English Patient and, most recently, Warlight. In addition to both being writers, the pair also co-edit the literary journal “Brick†together, along with Spalding’s daughter, Esta. All in the (King) Family “Has it ever occurred to you that parents are nothing but overgrown kids until their children drag them into adulthood? Usually kicking and screaming?†-Stephen King, Christine Stephen King, Tabitha King, Joe Hill, Owen King, and Kelley Braffett In terms of proficient horror writers, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone more successful and productive than Stephen King. From Carrie to The Stand, It to The Dark Tower books, King has managed to scary the bejeezus out of readers for generations. But he is not the only writer in the family; King is the father of both Joe Hill (The Fireman, NOS4A2) AND Owen King (Double Feature; We’re All in This Together). And if that wasn’t enough, Stephen King is married to novelist Tabitha King (One on One, Pearl) and Owen King is married to writer Kelly Braffet (Save Yourself, The Unwilling). I guess for the King family, writing truly is the family business.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Good, The Terrible, And What Came After It All
The Good, the Terrible, and What Came After it All During the Great Depression many Americans were affected by the harsh side effects that came about because of the Great Depression. During this era the economy of America tanked and many people were left nearly penniless if not completely left with nothing. One major cause of the Depression was that the American stock market crashed in the year of 1929 and many people did not know what to do when this happened. Also there was nothing in place to keep the Depression from happening, America just did not foresee the Great Depression hitting them as hard as it did and they were not even close to being prepared for what was going to hit them in 1929. What Came Before the Depression During†¦show more content†¦One thing was that a very small percent of the American people held the majority of the wealth. When this happened it lead to many people to struggle financially. When the people started to suffer financially many people in debt would dig themselves deeper into debt because they would continue to over consume the goods that were being over produced by the industries. Presidents of the Roaring Twenties During this time of the roaring twenties the Republican party was in the White House (Jefferies). The three presidents America had during this time were Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and the President of some of the depression President Herbert Hoover (Jefferies). The first of these three was President Warren G. Harding the twenty third president of the United States (Faue). President Harding took office in 1921 and was taken out of office when he died in 1923 (Faue). While on a trip to Alaska and California in 1923 President Harding died suddenly do to bad medical treatment and a heart attack, he was buried but strangely it was without an autopsy, this fact left many Americans to wonder what actually happened (Faue). The next president of the three was President Calvin Coolidge. President Coolidge took office in 1923 after the death of President Harding, becoming the thirtieth president of the United States. President Coolidge was the first president to be sworn in by his own father after finding out about the death of PresidentShow MoreRelatedOn the Battlefield with Good and Evil and Examples in Literature 541 Words  | 3 Pagestheme though good vs. evil. Even those super girly princess movies have aspects of good and evil. Take The Little Mermaid, for example, there is the protagonist, Ariel, and the antagonist, Ursula, and just like in all of the other movies, the good guy always wins. Although, the theme of good vs. evil is not only found in movies; it can also be found in history, literature, and day-to-day lives. 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He has never told his wife and daughter anything about the time he spent as a grunt with the 25th infantry in Vietnam even though the horrible memories are with him all the time. He loves his wife and daughter and wants them to believe he is a good man even though he doesn’t believe it. He feels that he is two people fighting within himself. On the outside, he appears to live a comfortable life as a physician and family man, but on the inside he is a war
Friday, May 8, 2020
Developing A Successful Classroom Inclusive Environment Is...
Another factor that incorporates in having a successful classroom inclusive environment is the quality of teaching. Alton-Lee (2003) argues that quality teaching has been identified as an important practice of positive outcomes for diverse students. Forlin (2012) discusses, but with more details than in Alton-Lee (2003) saying that quality teaching for students with diverse abilities has got various characteristics. For example, it has to focus on student’s achievement, to make clear links between the curriculum and the student’s culture, and to respond the learning processes. Foreman (2014) adds that quality teaching is also related to providing a feedback that helps with the students’ self-regulation and scaffolds their learning. Moreover, it is acting like a bridge of interactive communication between the students and their teacher. The Australian Curriculum â€Å"makes it clear to teachers what has to be taught and to students what they should learn and what achievements are expected of them†¦ Classroom teachers are the people who decide how best to organize learning for students. They will make decisions about their pedagogical approach that will give the best learning outcomes.†(National Curriculum board, 2009, p.8). In addition, teacher’s learning resources (including ICT) are opening new learning opportunities to diverse abilities that enrich the quality of teaching. The rapid increase in available technologies (both assistive and instructive) has provided teachers withShow MoreRelatedInclusive Curriculum : Education And Inclusive Education769 Words  | 4 PagesInclusive Curriculum In the 19th century, special needs learners, particularly students with disability have to be segregated in the special schools. However, over the past decades, humanity’s progress has occurred in acknowledging that students with special needs enjoy the same education rights as their peers. Nowadays, this group of student cohort has access to mainstreaming schools and inclusive education. In Australia, today’s classrooms are becoming increasingly diverse. According to AustralianRead MoreTeaching Students With Special Needs1740 Words  | 7 Pagesworkplace, but also school. Students with special needs have always been separated from a regular classroom. By including special needs children, this will help the student not only thrive in academics but also in life by gaining social and technical skills. Students will feel like they are part of a regular classroom and are not excluded because of their disability. By students having a regular learning environment they can start to master particular content and skills. Parents are scared because they haveRead MorePrinciples, Policies Frameworks of Inclusive Schooling Essay1176 Words  | 5 PagesBriefly discuss how you believe policies and legislation related to Inclusive Education could influence attitudes towards the way society accepts difference. In recent times I believe there has been a heightened awareness regarding the necessity to develop Inclusive Classrooms that celebrate difference and cater for a diverse range of learning styles and needs. My belief is reflected in the increasing amount of policies and legislation being developed at both state and Commonwealth levels. TheseRead MoreInclusive Education For Children With Disabilities1631 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract Inclusive education is where children with disabilities receive special education services in the general education setting. Many factors can make inclusion difficult or complex. Accommodating instruction to meet the educational needs of all students is one of the most fundamental problems in education. Many argue that inclusive practices benefit all students. While others argue that inclusive education is inadequately designed to meet the needs of exceptional students. Benefits of inclusiveRead MoreWhat about Dougs Rights?924 Words  | 4 Pagesever-changing environment in relation to education becoming more complex and dynamic. Teachers can expect to have a diverse range of students in their classes reflecting on the Australian society becoming a more diverse Country in terms of cultural, social and family backgrounds, ethnic origins and levels of ability. According to Forman (2011) teachers are likely to educate at least one or more students with a diagnosed intellectual, phys ical,sensory or learning disability within their teaching career.Read More2.2.2.4. Main Domains Of School Improvement Program. The1443 Words  | 6 Pages According to the guide line, there are 4 Domains and 12 Elements in the SIP Framework. Under the 12 Elements there are 24 Standards (MOE, 2010:12-17). Domain 1: Teaching and Learning Under this domain there are three elements namely teaching, learning and evaluation and curriculum; and also there are five standards. Under teaching learning domain there should be points to be considered. Regarding to teachers: continuous professional development delivered to the teachers. Professional developmentRead MoreMy Professional Responsibility Of Being A Teacher1445 Words  | 6 PagesIn my eyes, teaching is one of the most significant careers throughout the world. As a teacher, I will be a positive factor for change and instil a love of learning into all of my students. I will endeavour to constantly be committed to my professional responsibility of being a teacher, combining my knowledge, skills and passion to create lifelong learners and impact positively on students’ lives. As a teacher, I aim to ensure I teach inclusively, believe in my students’ ability to learn and ensureRead MoreImproving Student Participation Is A Matter Of Importance1543 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction: In a classroom we come across student diversity in terms of ability, ethnicity and learning needs. Ensuring student participation is a matter of importance, since children are at times deprived of equal right to use inclusive education from early childhood through to adulthood. Inclusive education means eliminating the distinction between special and regular education and giving equal opportunities despite their level of disability. It implies that providing educational facilitiesRead MoreWhats Your Excuse?1765 Words  | 8 Pagesdisabilities in normal classrooms, happens to be a widely debated topic; whilst there are valid arguments on both sides and benefits for both inclusion and segregation, inclusion has become law (Holdheide Reschly, 2008). Inclusion requires a great deal of work in and out of the classroom setting. One of the most prominent barriers is that of communication; with lack of time, funding and negative attitudes of not only parents, but the student body and tea chers bringing up the rear (Teaching children withRead MoreMultiple Roles Of X Secondary School883 Words  | 4 Pagessetting, apart from providing support in planning and implementing the learning and teaching adaptations. Case Manager A learning support teacher may be a case manager who runs a learning support program or unit. A case manager’s primarily responsible is to promote and facilitate inclusion within the school. Case managers should be responsible for managing verification processes of students with special needs and developing and reviewing EAP (Educationally Adjusted Profiles). They need to collect and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Importance of Play and the Cognitive Development of Children Free Essays
The Importance of Play and the Cognitive Development of Children Marlene Joy M. Cepeda Western Governors University Abstract The focus on academic success and high assessment scores has led many educators and administrators to perceive play as an unimportant part of a child’s development. But play does lay a good foundation developmentally for children. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Play and the Cognitive Development of Children or any similar topic only for you Order Now Through each different types of play, a child develops the necessary skills in order to succeed. When children are given opportunities to play, they develop the connections and experiences they will use to help them succeed academically. Since the No Child Left Behind Act was created in 2001, schools have shifted their focus onto academics and achieving high scores for standardized tests. This focus on academics has led many administrators and parents to perceive play as unimportant for children ages birth and five years old. Even though play may seem unimportant to those outside early childhood education, it creates a solid foundation for the child’s cognitive development and future academic success. In 2001, the United States Senate and House of Representatives passed the No Child Left Behind Act that would change the way schools addressed academics. Schools had to focus on ensuring all students were able to perform and were meeting the state academic standards. Kysilka (2003) wrote â€Å"the purpose of the No Child Left Behind Act was to hold schools, local educational agencies and States accountable for improving the academic achievement of all students and identifying and turning around low-performing schools that have failed to provide a high-quality education to their students, while providing alternatives to students in such schools to enable the students to receive a high-quality education†(Kysilka, 2003, p. 00). Since schools and administrators are being held to a standard, parents are looking at these scores to see if the child succeeds or fails. The focus shifting primarily on academics means the time for play is cut short during school hours if not completely removed. More recently, due to state and national emphasis on proficiency text performance, even the small segments of social pretend play time that have been allowed (if not encouraged) in school, such as kindergarten â€Å"choice†time and recess breaks are disappearing (Bergen, 2002). Bergen (2002) writes â€Å"the press for â€Å"academic readiness†through concentrated and direct teaching of alphabet, number, color, and other skills is now affecting the amount of time allocated for play in preschools†(Bergen, 2002, Challenges and Policy Directions suggested by Recent Research, para. 1). Kindergarten classes now are focused on ensuring their students are prepared academically. Instead of allowing the child to develop naturally, schools are now primarily emphasizing on the academics. Kindergarten students are no longer being taught the basics, like the alphabets, colors, or numbers. Kindergarten students are now taught to read simple words and do more reading and writing in class. Three- and four-year-olds are now expected to engage in far more early writing and reading activities than ever before (Almon, n. d). Kindergarten programs in the U. S. focus so strongly on teaching literacy, numeracy, and other academic subjects that many children no longer have time to play in kindergarten (Almon, n. d. ). Play time has become unimportant in the schools. Educational psychologist Anthony Pellegrini writes â€Å"for many children, the opportunities for such freely chosen play are narrowing†(as cited in Bergen, 2009, p. 28). Pellegini continues â€Å"much of their play time at home has been lost to music, dance, or other lessons; participations on sports teams (using adult defined rules); and afterschool homework or test preparation. At the same time, many schools especially those considered to be poor performers, have reduced or eliminated recess†(as ci ted in Bergen, 2009, p. 428). In the first 5 years of a child’s life, play is crucial for development more so than ensuring that the child understands the ABCs or the colors. Children develop problem solving skills when faced with a challenge in a game or with the object they are playing with. Children must think about what to do in order to overcome a particular obstacle or challenge. In the process children also use language skills to voice out frustrations, concerns, or questions to help them understand the situation they are experiencing. In 2006, the American Academy of Pediatrics stated â€Å"free and unstructured play â€Å"is healthy and, in fact, essential for helping children reach important social, emotional, cognitive developmental milestones as well as helping them manage stress and become resilient††(as cited in Warner, 2009 p. 1). The Zero to Three Organization (2004) writes â€Å"children are naturally curious beings who are motivated to make sense of the world around them. The brain is the only organ that is not fully formed at birth†(Zero to Three Organization, 2004). The Zero to Three Organization (2004) also states â€Å"during the first 3 years, trillions of connections between brain cells are being made†(Zero to Three Organization, 2004). A child’s relationships and experiences during the early years greatly influence how her brain grows. Since children are still developing before age 5, it is imperative that they are allowed to develop naturally. Allowing children to experience play early will help them form those experiences and connections and lay that basic foundation before they begin school. While play may not be regarded as important as the academics to succeed, it plays a vital role in the cognitive development of children. Jean Piaget developed a theory about the cognitive development of young children. Piaget understood through his own observation that children learn logic and reasoning through manipulation of their environment (Dodge, Colker, Heroman, Bickart, 2009). Children manipulate the environment through play. Through play, children learn thinking and problem solving skills and understand how the world around them works. Sara Smilansky had created categories of play and described the skills children were learning through each type of play. Smilansky distinguishes four types of play: functional, constructive, dramatic or pretend play, and games with rules (Dodge, Colker, Heroman Bickart, 2009). When children are actively exploring their world, using their senses and their bodies, this would be described as functional play. This particular play begins when children are babies and are learning about their world. It is during functional play children begin to make those connections of memories to objects in the present. For example when a baby has learned to hold a rattle, they in turn continue to do this action for every other object they can grab. Functional play is a form of play in which children use their sense and muscles to experiment with materials and learn how things go together (Dodge, Colker, Heroman Bickart, 2009). As children grow and develop so does the basic understanding of how things work in the world. Children build upon the skills already learned and find they can create and build new things. These skills are developed through constructive play. Children learn how certain objects fit together through organizing objects, stacking objects, or simply creating something new with those objects. Allen and Marotz describes â€Å"the cognitive process includes mental activities such as discovering, interpreting, sorting, classifying, and remembering. All interactions that children experience during their daily activities contribute to their cognitive development†(as cited in Guam Early Learning Guidelines, 2005, p. 21). Children, ages one year and older, are very observant and can imitate the things they see in the world around them. Using their imagination, children place themselves in different settings, like the doctor’s office, or a school, or even the house. Rubin describes â€Å"role enactment is the highest form of symbolic play†(as cited in Umek Musek, 2001 p. 56). How children use imagination is often based on past experiences. According to Piaget, â€Å"assimilation is when children bring in new knowledge to their own schemas and accommodation is when children have to change their schemas to â€Å"accommodate†the new information or knowledge. This adjustment process occurs when learning, as one is processing new information to fit into what is already in one’s memory†(as cited in Powell Kalina, 2009, p. 3). This play called dramatic play can occur when the child is by themselves or with other children. In dramatic play children typically take on a role, pretend to be someone else, and use real or pretend objects to play out a role (Dodge, Colker, Heroman Bickart, 2009). Children, ages three to four years old, begin to understand certain things have to be done a certain way. They learn that there are rules and guidelines that must be followed not only for reasons of safety, but the safety and well-being of others. This lesson can be taught to children, ages three to four years old, through games with rules. Some games require lots of movement and lots of room; dodge ball, kickball, musical chairs. Some games can be played on tables with a small number of people; bingo, Uno, go fish. Through this type of play, children not only use their muscles, both big and small, but they learn to communicate with their friends or teammate in the game. Children also learn to respect the others when it is their turn and learn to follow the rules. This type of play requires the children to use many of senses, teach them to play well with others, and respect everyone who is playing the game. There are two broad types of games with rules-table games and physical or movement games. Both require children to control their behavior, both physically and verbally, to conform to a structure or preset rules (Dodge, Colker, Heroman Bickart, 2009). When children are not given the opportunity to play, they may not learn many of skills that are associated with play. Gould had written â€Å"humans, as specialists in non-specialisation, have survived not through rigid and narrow ways of behaving, but through adaptive qualities of quirkiness, flexibility, and unpredictability and sloppiness. †â€Å"These are the essence of play†(as cited in Lester, 2010 p. 16). The ability for children to play is tied to the ability to being creative and imaginative. The skills of being creative and imaginative can be lost or forgotten if children are not able to exercise these skills. Almon (n. d. writes â€Å"given the importance of play for children’s physical, social, emotional, and mental development, the demise of play will certainly have serious consequences during childhood and throughout children’s lives†(Almon, n. d. ). Almon (n. d. ) explains â€Å"indeed, there is growing concern about what kind of society we are creating if a generation of children grow up without play and the creative thinking that emerges from p lay†(Almon, n. d. ). To many outside the early childhood education, play may seem unimportant. Laying the basic foundation for success, play is an integral part of a child’s growth. Children gain many benefits through play. Not only do the children develop social skills through interactions with other children, but they continue to develop their thinking and problem solving skills. The manipulation of the world around them through play helps create those lasting memories and allows for connections of the past experiences to be tied to the experiences of the present. References Almon, J. (n. d. ). The Vital Role of Play in Childhood. Retrieved from http://www. aldorfearlychildhood. org/article. asp? id=5 Bergen, D. Fromberg, D. P. (2009). Play and Social Interaction in Middle Childhood. Phi Delta Kappan, 90(6), 426-430. Bergen, D. (2002). The Role of Pretend Play in Children’s Cognitive Development. [Supplemental material]. Early Childhood Research Practice, 4(1) Retrieved from http://ecrp. uiuc. edu/v4n1/bergen. html Dodge, D. T. , Colker, L. J. , Heroman, C. , Bickart, T. S. (2009). The Creative Curriculum for Preschool. (4th ed. ). Washington, D. C. : Teaching Strategies, Inc. Early Childhood Care Education Committee. 2005). Guam early learning guidelines for young children ages three to five. Mangilao, Guam: The Guam Department of Public Health Social Services. Kysilka, M. L. (2003). NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND. Curriculum Teaching Dialogue, 5(2), 99-104. Lester. S. (n. d. ). Children’s Right to Play: An examination of the importance of play in the lives of children worldwide. Working papers in early childhood development, No. 57. Bernard Van Leer Foundation. Power, K. C. , Kalina, C. J. (2009). Cognitive and Social Constructivism: Developing tools for and effective classroom. Education, 130(2), 241-250. Umek. L. , Musek, P. (2001) Symbolic Play: opportunities for cognitive and language development in preschool settings. Early Years: Journal of International Research Development, 21(1), 55-64. Doi:10. 1080/09575140020022689 Warner, L. (n. d. ). â€Å"You’re It! †: Thoughts on Play and Learning in Schools. Horace, 24(n2) Zero to Three Organization. (2004). Getting ready for school begins at birth [Brochure]. Retrieved from http://www. zerotothree. org/child-development/social-emotional-development/gettingreadyforschoolbeginsatbirth. pdf How to cite The Importance of Play and the Cognitive Development of Children, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Keys to Be Successful Online
Online success depends on many factors that contribute towards attracting customers and investors. Three steps are necessary for achievement of success. They include achieving fame, finding investors, and developing astute plans for future.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Keys to Be Successful Online specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Facebook has attained online success by following the three steps. Its success is attributed to fame, focused and dedicated investors, and prudent plans. Currently, it is one of the most successful online companies. Therefore, achieving fame, finding investors, and planning for future are key aspects of achieving success. Online success does not necessarily require making large amounts of money. However, attaining fame is an important aspect that should be considered. A famous website is considered successful even though it does not generate revenue. Success means that it attracts man y visitors seeking information and different services. Success of an online system is evaluated based on number of visitors (Gangemi par3). Few visitors imply that the system is unsuccessful while many visitors imply that the system is successful. Furthermore, generation of revenue depends on number of people that visit a system. Therefore, if a system is famous, many people will use it because they find it helpful, reliable, and effective in providing information and other services. Critics argue that systems that do not generate revenue are unsuccessful because the main objective of starting an online venture is to generate revenue. They further argue that the success of an online venture is determined by revenue generation. However, their argument is flawed and baseless. Reasons for starting an online venture include sensitization of people, advertisement of goods and services, and establishment of a forum for special groups such as drug addicts and alcohol abusers (Gangemi par3) . Success of these ventures depends on number of people that use them. In order for an online company to generate revenue, it must have adequate capital (ischool par3). In order for a company to obtain capital, it must search for investors. Investors are financially stable individuals who give money to companies with hope that they will get it back with a certain percentage as interest.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Obtaining capital is one of the ways companies use to generate revenue (ischool par5). Critics argue that there are other ways of obtaining capital other than finding investors such as peer-to-peer lending, crowdfunding, microloans, internet-based lending, and business invoice factoring (Harrison par4). However, these capital sources are not as effective as investor funding, which is the fastest method of obtaining adequate capital. A company must have a good p lan for future in order to sustain growth, attract investors, and achieve success. A good plan enables a company invest money obtained from investors in prudent ventures that increase revenue. Planning increases efficiency, reduces risks, motivates employees and other stakeholders, makes decision-making processes efficient, and gives the company direction (Harrison par5). Critics argue that a plan is not necessary because online ventures require flexibility in order to deal effectively with uncertainties of online businesses such as new technologies and competition from other companies. However, the best way to deal with online uncertainties is to develop a plan that includes strategies to handle competition, methods to utilize new technologies, and ways to solve problems and challenges (Harrison par7). A plan is a guide that facilitates achievement of goals and objectives. Without a plan, a company loses focus and experiences many challenges that hinder it from attaining success. W orks Cited Gangemi, Jeffrey. Secrets of Online Business Success. 2006. Web. Harrison, James. 10 Tips for Online Business Success. n.d. Web. ischool: Making Money on the Web 2009. Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Keys to Be Successful Online specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on Keys to Be Successful Online was written and submitted by user Artur0 to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
New England Towns and Southern Plantations essays
New England Towns and Southern Plantations essays New England towns and southern plantations share various similarities and have countless differences. A typical town in the north had a large open area of land that colonists referred to as the common. The common could be used by everyone. Facing the common was a church and nearby the church were the ministers house and a schoolhouse. The remaining land around the common was divided into house lots. Every family had a strip of farmland outside the town that they could use to grow crops of their own. The climate of the New England colonies was colder than that of the south since they were farther north. This cold climate served as a positive factor in New England towns because it prevented the spread of life- threatening diseases. It also worked as a negative factor in how its severe winters killed many colonists. The geography of New England was mostly hills with rocky soil. Natural resources in the towns consisted of fish, whales, trees and furs. These natural resources were more i mportant that agricultural crops to colonists in the north because of the poor, rocky soil and the short growing season. The economy of the towns relied on fishing, lumber, rum, and triangular trade. Most towns in the north were located along the coast for quick access to the Atlantic Ocean. Towns were tightly clustered together giving early English settlers a sense of security since the wilderness was inhabited by people with different customs. The main function of New England towns was to support the religion of the Puritans. The Puritans did not believe in religious freedom and did not tolerate other religions. A typical plantation in the south consisted of a main house where the owner of the plantation lived. Smaller houses used as offices or living quarters for slaves were assembled around the fields where the crops were grown. The climate in the southern colonies was the warmest climate of all 3 colonial regions (north, middle & ...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Saluer - to greet, salute - French Verb Conjugation
Saluer - to greet, salute - French Verb Conjugation The French verb saluer means to greet or salute but can also mean to take ones leave. Find simple conjugations for this regular -er verb in the tables below. Conjugations of Saluer Present Future Imperfect Present participle je salue saluerai saluais saluant tu salues salueras saluais il salue saluera saluait nous saluons saluerons saluions vous saluez saluerez saluiez ils saluent salueront saluaient Pass compos Auxiliary verb avoir Past participle salu Subjunctive Conditional Pass simple Imperfect subjunctive je salue saluerais saluai saluasse tu salues saluerais saluas saluasses il salue saluerait salua salut nous saluions saluerions salumes saluassions vous saluiez salueriez salutes saluassiez ils saluent salueraient salurent saluassent Imperative tu salue nous saluons vous saluez Verb conjugation patternSaluer is a regular -ER verb
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Campaign Election Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Campaign Election Project - Essay Example This paper seeks to explore the four republican presidential nominees that will compete against President Barrack Obama in 2012, evaluating their background, any pools used, and campaign strategies they intend to use. Willard Mitt Romney was born on March 12th, 1947 in Detroit. His parents are the late George Wilcken Romney and Lenore Lafount. During his childhood, his parents were proud of him since he was formidable in life. Mitt started his education at the Roosevelt Elementary school, and later attended Cranbrook academy. Though he never excelled in a particular subject; Mitt was popular person and his leadership skills could be seen at a tender age. In 1965, he graduated from high school and joined Stanford University. While studying, he often traveled in France for a missionary work attempting to convert Catholics to his faith. In 1971, he graduated with a degree in English. From 1978 to 1984, he was Bain and Co. vice President, and in 2002, became the Salt Lake organizing committee of winter Olympics. In 2003, Romney became the Massachusetts’ Governor. As a chief executive of the Commonwealth, he is supported by many subordinate officers. Romney has used various campaign strategies to win the post such as, intending to boost the nation economy and announced 59-point job during a speech on September, 2011. His main objective is to restore the American economy by creating job opportunities to eradicate poverty. If elected, he has promised to initiate five bills and executive orders that would augment economic growth. He has evaluated the need to refurbish American education system through better payment for qualified teachers to improve teaching quality. Ron Paul was born in August 20th, 1935 by Margaret Dumont and Howard Paul in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. During his childhood, he helped his parents to run a family’s daily business. Ron Paul is aged 76 years
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Mahatma Gandhi Worldview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mahatma Gandhi Worldview - Essay Example This paper, therefore, compares and contrasts Gandhi’s worldview about the nature of God, social issues and family with my own experience and worldview in the same. Gandhi became a role model to many people through his faith, in truth and justice, for all humankind. His faith, in religion, made him love those who opposed his ideals to bring about peace with non-violence (Damm, January 2011). His teachings on religion were transparent as most of it can be attested to those of the Bible despite his focusing on meekness and humility, which is rather a rare case for any society. Gandhi emphasize on making peace†an eye for an eye would cost us all our eyes†as he stated (Damm, January 2011), but through my worldview, I feel that conflict is brought about by self-interest, proving the point that there exist no ideal human society where everyone thinks and acts the same level for each other. According to Gandhi, people should take the responsibility to care about the poo r, and not refuse to take part, in oppressive practices, but also to fight domination whenever we see it (Damm, January 2011). Gandhi was a moral path of action since he believed in national independence, political and economic freedom of individuals and self-rule. Gandhi tries to explain the nature of God, in the human soul or life, and how God and man relate to explain the nature of God and family experiences. For instance, he believes that human suffering can be explained through assessing their relationships with God. He also believed that one should serve humanity, especially the poor and the downtrodden (Jahanbegloo, 1996). In this context, I agree with Gandhi that we should always care about the poor, in the society, just as nurses do. As an atheist, I strongly believe that humankind do not have any relationship with God. Therefore, it is every person’s duty to take care of one another, including the poor, without perceiving that their suffering is linked to some super natural being. Gandhi also shows how God should be intellectualized and linked with one dense theory of man. It is the basic contention of the present research endeavor that Gandhi’s greatest political ideas were like echo, and their reflections were simple and characterized by western positioning, which fail to some extent to escalate the true essence of Gandhi’s political ideas (Jahanbegloo, 1996). His ideas are firmly rooted, in the traditions, but are so modern in the spirit. According to my perception, Gandhi is not a meager theorist, but he an applied experimentalist, who tried to apply his ideas in the political arena. I also feel that those regarding Gandhi as their role models are those people who strongly believe in some supernatural power. This is because Gandhi’s greatness lies not only in his saintly and holy living, but also in his epic brawls and actions (Jahanbegloo, 1996). The success of every step of his struggle was attributed to God. In most cases, politicians and atheists, like I, are not generally reputed to take religion and God seriously, for the values, to which they are committed such as the political control of one individual or another, the economic exploitation and economic liberty of the poorer and weaker human being. These values are clearly incompatible with the value of religion that the latter could not be taken too seriously or
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Reflective Report on Psychology Presentation
Reflective Report on Psychology Presentation This is a reflective report on my presentation on 4th February, 2015. Topic: What pressures do children of immigrant families face, in adjusting to a new culture and what are the implications of this for counselling? Introduction This was an individual presentation that was assessed by Tim Wilkinson who is the lecturer for Christian Integrative Therapeutic Counselling II, for Year 3. The second assessor was Dr. Barth Orji. I put in a lot of effort in preparing for this presentation. I visited the British Library twice and I engaged several scholars listed in my bibliography. I was really amazed to find that there was an enormous amount of materials on the topic. I critically analysed the views and the materials that I engaged. I also consulted my lecture notes and even the Tutor and Peer feedback forms so that I prepared not only for the content and materials but on the presentation too. I had a rehearsal at home in the presence of my wife and I asked her to critique the presentation. She gave me some valuable advice which I took on board. As with all my assessments, I had mixed feelings leading to the day. I was anxious because I was to be assessed and I was also exhilarated in anticipation of receiving some very constructive feedback that will further enhance my counselling skills, as I have known the two assessors involved to be very objective. On the day, I arrived in time but the second assessor was a bit late which in the end gave me ample time to relax my nerves. I was the first to present which ordinarily would have been nerve racking but surprisingly, I was very calm, composed and confident all through my presentation. Upon reflection, I think that it is the result of my quest to raise the bar and improve. Many will avoid starting first so as to learn from the feedbacks of those that present ahead of them but I would rather have an assessment of my genuine ability and take on feedbacks that will be useful to help me to the next level. The presentations went on as scheduled. Every student attended and took part in peer assessment. Everyone gave feedback which made it more interesting because there were diverse perspectives to the feedbacks. Summary of my presentation There are issues that Immigrant children face in a bid to adapt to a new culture. I grouped these issues into six sub themes: Educational, New community, Emotional, Language, Racism and Identity. In the course of my research, I discovered that there is another side to the coin; there are also benefits. Such benefit will include Bi-cultural competence (Garcia-Coll Magnuson 1997) and development of the mental ability to cope with stress. Some children adapt easily while some others struggle. There is a great variation in how the children adapt. These variations are so much so that they pose a challenge in drawing conclusions. There are implications that these issues could have on counselling. I realised that even though parents expect that the Counsellor will put their child right, not very much is known about these issues. I think the Counsellor must strive to equip himself to be effective. Pre-migration and post migration circumstances combine to influence how these children navigate this adaptive process. However, I think that more research is required to formulate effective models of interventions to support immigrant children. This will support immigrant children in establishing the foundation for their futures. (Szapocznik Kurtines,1993). The Counsellor requires an in-depth understanding of the aforementioned issues. Again, I think that the government can support immigrant children by establishing counselling services in schools; this will enhance mental wellbeing, bi-cultural abilities and stronger community among immigrants’ children. Questions and Feedback from Peers and Tutors My colleague Israel, who was one of the peers assessors questioned my definition of immigrants’ children and wanted more clarification. I reiterated that a child born abroad and brought to live in the United Kingdom as well as a child born to a first generation immigrant parent, is an immigrants’ child. The lecturer, Tim Wilkinson concurred with my definition and in his contribution, gave an example of a child born to a Caucasian family who lived as missionaries in Africa; upon returning to the United Kingdom, the child struggled to cope with the culture and eventually moved back to live in Africa. The peer assessors were Israel, Tuoyo, Ayo, Chikere and Bernardine. Tuoyo noted that the content was extremely rich and well researched. He thinks that the strongest part of the presentation was the definitions. Israel observed that it was well referenced with enough scholars. Ayo thinks that the presentation was thorough and that I exhibited confidence, Chikere and Bernardine agreed with the rest but pointed out that I needed to improve on my time management. There was a consensus that it was a very good presentation. Dr Barth observed that I did not use visual aids but handed them printed copies of my presentation. He observed that the communication was very good, subject well researched, indicating that I know and mastered the subject. He also said that there was good eye contact, gesture and body language was good, stance was good and voice projection was excellent. He also commended me for remaining focused even when there was distraction from peers. Tim Wilkinson did not want to repeat what had been said; he added that research was thorough, but that the material was too much hence I exceeded the allocated time. He observed that there was evidence of good knowledge of the subject, clear English, voice projection was good. However, he thinks that the eye contact can be better. Reflection and Conclusion: I think that my presentation was hitch free. I engaged several scholars in the course of my research and I found the topic very interesting. I put in all effort but I am aware that there is still a lot more research to be done in developing intervention models for immigrants’ children. I reflected and listened to myself as I was presenting, and I was quite surprised at how confident I came across. At the end, I still felt that I did not do my best and so I was amazed at the feedbacks that I received. I think that overall, having evaluated the whole exercise including feedbacks, it was a good presentation. However, it was a learning process for me and I have taken note of the feedbacks on areas highlighted for improvement. I will endeavour to use visual aids in the future, work on my time management and improve on my eye contact. (1073 words) Bibliography Cropley, A.J. (1983). The education of immigrant children. London: Croom Helm. Das, A. and Kemp, S. (1997). Between two worlds: Counselling South Asian Americans. Journal of Multicultural Counselling and Development, 25, 23 – 33. Garcia-Coll, C and Magnuson, K. (1997). The psychological experience of immigration. In A. Booth, A. Gibson, M. (1988) Accommodation without assimilation: Sikh immigrants in an American high school. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Kim, E, and Diaz, J. Immigrant Students and Higher Education: ASHE Higher Education Report 38:6 ONS (17 December, 2013) [Accessed 02/02/2015] ONS (May, 2014) Portes, A. (1995). Children of immigrants: Segmented Assimilation and its determinants. Rumbaut, R.G. (1995). The New Californians: Comparative research findings on the educational progress of immigrant children. In R.G. Rumbaut W.A. Cornelius (Eds.), California’s Immigrant children: Theory, research, and implications for educational policy (pp. 17 -70). La Jolla: Center for U.S. Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego. Sam, D.L. (1992). Psychological acculturation of young visible immigrants. Migration World Magazine, 20, 21 24. Szapocznik, J. and Kurtines, W. (1993). Family psychology and cultural diversity: Opportunities for theory, research, and application. American Psychologist, 48, 400 – 407. Vernez, G. and Abrahamse, A. (1996). How Immigrants Fare in U.S. Education. Santa Monica, C.A.: RAND Corporation. Peter Emordi COU 3000 Task 2 1
Friday, January 17, 2020
Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers Essay
Computers are a mainstay in most homes, allowing individuals and families to access the Internet from home and complete a myriad of other tasks through the use of computer software. There are advantages and disadvantages to using home computers depending on how you use them. As computer hardware becomes faster, easier and more cost effective to develop, home computers also become more affordable for consumers. It is constantly becoming easier to put computers in the average American home, since both desktop and laptop computers come in such a wide range of price points. One of the greatest advantages of home computers is that they are affordable by the average family. A great advantages of home computers is that they allow individuals and families to achieve a variety of tasks at home. Families can use word processing programs for homework, spreadsheets to manage bills, and the Internet for social networking and entertainment. While students can use computers at home, and adults at work, the convenience of being able use a computer at home is a great advantage in itself. Many businesses also allow their employees to work from home via computer, thus saving travel expenses to and from the office, as well as saving company resources. Disadvantages With use of the Internet for online shopping and Internet banking, home computers offer the potential for identity theft. If you share your information online, such as your name, address, phone number or banking information, then there always is a chance that your information is at risk. This is an important consideration to make if you plan on using your home computer to access the Internet. The technology industry is constantly changing and evolving, and technology can become outdated quickly. If you are only looking for a system that will get you online and let you do basic tasks, then this is not as much of a concern. If you are looking for a comprehensive gaming system or one that can handle a variety of tasks at once, then it can become expensive to keep up with the latest hardware advances, making some computer systems a money drain.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
4 Key Models in Urban Geography That Explain Land Use
Walk through most contemporary cities, and the mazes of concrete and steel can be some of the most intimidating and confusing places to visit. Buildings rise up dozens of stories from the street and spread for miles out of view. Despite how hectic cities and their surrounding areas can be, attempts at creating models of the way cities function have been made and analyzed to make our understanding of the urban environment richer. Concentric Zone Model One of the first models created for use by academics was the concentric zone model, developed in the 1920s by urban sociologist Ernest Burgess. What Burgess wanted to model was Chicagos spatial structure with regards to the usage of zones around the city. These zones radiated from Chicagos center, The Loop, and moved concentrically outward. In the example of Chicago, Burgess designated five different zones that had separate functions spatially. The first zone was The Loop, the second zone was the belt of factories that were directly outside of The Loop, the third zone included homes of laborers who worked in the factories, the fourth zone contained middle-class residences, and the fifth and final zone hugged the first four zones and contained the homes of the suburban upper class. Keep in mind that Burgess developed the zone during an industrial movement in America and these zones worked mainly for American cities at the time. Attempts at applying the model to European cities have failed, as many cities in Europe have their upper classes located centrally, whereas American cities have their upper classes mostly at the periphery. The five names for each zone in the concentric zone model are as follows: Central business district (CBD)Zone of transitionZone of independent workersZone of better residencesCommuters zone Hoyt Model Since the concentric zone model isnt applicable to many cities, some other academics attempted to further model the urban environment. One of these academics was Homer Hoyt, a land economist who was mostly interested in taking a look at rents within a city as a means of modeling the citys layout. The Hoyt model (also known as the sector model), which was developed in 1939, took into account the effect of transportation and communication on a citys growth. His thoughts were that rents could remain relatively consistent in certain slices of the model, from the downtown center all the way to the suburban fringe, giving the model a pie-like look. This model has been found to work especially well in British cities. Multiple-Nuclei Model A third well-known model is the multiple-nuclei model. This model was developed in 1945 by geographers Chauncy Harris and Edward Ullman to try and further describe a citys layout. Harris and Ullman made the argument that the citys downtown core (CBD) was losing its importance in relation to the rest of the city and should be seen less as the focal point of a city and instead as a nucleus within the metropolitan area. The automobile began to become increasingly important during this time, which made for greater movement of residents to the suburbs. Since this was taken into consideration, the multiple-nuclei model is a good fit for sprawling and expansive cities. The model itself contained nine differing sections that all had separate functions: Central business districtLight manufacturingLow-class residentialMiddle-class residentialUpper-class residentialHeavy manufacturingOutlying business districtResidential suburbIndustrial suburb These nuclei develop into independent areas because of their activities. For example, some economic activities that support one another (for instance, universities and bookstores) will create a nucleus. Other nuclei form because theyd be better off far from one another (e.g., airports and central business districts). Finally, other nuclei can develop from their economic specialization (think of shipping ports and railway centers). Urban-Realms Model As a means of improving upon the multiple nuclei model, geographer James E. Vance Jr. proposed the urban-realms model in 1964. Using this model, Vance was able to look at San Franciscos urban ecology and summarize economic processes into a sturdy model. The model suggests that cities are made up of small realms, which are self-sufficient urban areas with independent focal points. The nature of these realms is examined through the lens of five criteria: The topological terrain of the area, including water barriers and mountainsThe size of the metropolis as a wholeThe amount and strength of the economic activity taking place within each of the realmsThe accessibility internally of each realm in regards to its major economic functionThe inter-accessibility across the individual suburban realms This model does a good job at explaining suburban growth and how certain functions that are normally found in the CBD can be moved to the suburbs (such as shopping malls, hospitals, schools, etc.). These functions diminish the importance of the CBD and instead create distant realms that accomplish approximately the same thing.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Modern War On Drugs - 977 Words
The Modern War on Drugs In the past forty years, the United States has spent over $2.5 trillion dollars funding enforcement and prevention in the fight against drug use in America (Suddath). Despite the efforts made towards cracking down on drug smugglers, growers, and suppliers, statistics show that addiction rates have remained unchanged and the number of people using illegal drugs is increasing daily (Sledge). Regardless of attempts to stem the supply of drugs, the measure and quality of drugs goes up while the price goes down (Koebler). Now with the world’s highest incarceration rates and greatest illegal drug consumption (Sledge), the United States proves that the â€Å"war on drugs†is a war that is not being won. For most of our history, drug use has been legal for recreational, religious, and medicinal purposes. During the 19th century, opium, morphine, and cocaine could be purchased over-the-counter to treat medical conditions such as menstrual cramps, teething pain, coughs, depression, and even addiction (Hellerman). On December 17, 1914, the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act was introduced which heavily restricted the use of narcotics, and was based on racial fears and discrimination. The drafters of the bill stated that â€Å"negroes under the influence of drugs were murdering whites, degenerate Mexicans were smoking marijuana, and â€Å"chinamen†were seducing white women with drugs†(Huggins). Regardless of the restrictions placed on narcotics, the 20th century followed theShow MoreRelatedThe Controversy Over The Drug War958 Words  | 4 Pagesbeen increasing trends of incarceration, specifically in relation to the use and possession of illegal drugs. In 2010, there were 1.6 million people arrested for drug related offenses, which is approximately 1 person every 19 seconds. The majority of the arrests, however, are for possession of small amounts and are minor offenses (Criminal Justice Fact Sheet, NAACP). The controversy over the drug war is the element of concentration in cities, consistently in underprivileged neighborhoods, resultingRead MoreThe Fight Against Mexican Drug Cartels1743 Words  | 7 PagesThe Uphill Battle Against Mexican Drug Cartels â€Å"Drugs continue to kill †¦ 200,000 people a year, shattering families and bringing misery to thousands†states Yury Fedotov, the Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UN 2012). A modern crisis, drug abuse takes the will and freedom of hundreds of thousands, plunging their lives into despair. 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