Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Sx wk2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sx wk2 - Essay Example This is where Freud suggests that children begin to form an attraction to their opposite sexed parent. In the fourth stage, called the latency stage, the child has dormant sexual feelings instead of acting on them (six years old to puberty). Finally in the fifth stage, the child is beginning to show interest in their genitals and they are they are beginning to start sexual activity or at least talking about it (puberty and up). (Feist and Rosenberg, 2010, p. 505). Freud believed that sexuality was a natural experience for a human being. He believed that there was nothing wrong with homosexuality and it was not at all pathological. He said that "all human beings are intrinsically bisexual" (Bohan, 1996, p. 76). Basically he felt that heterosexuality and homosexuality were natural outgrowths of human sexuality. He also called it a "developmental distortion" (Bohan, p. 76). Freud thought that children determined their sexuality when they were younger and it would depend on the relationship that the child had with their parents. He believed that both heterosexuality and homosexuality came form a "castration complex" when a boy found out that his mother was different than he was because she did not have a penis; a boy could also have problems breaking away from a mother who was domineering (Faqs.org). He also saw that boys and girls had their first attractions to people of the opposite sex when they found themselves attracted to their opposite sex parent. He stated that boys would develop an Oedipus Complex and girls would develop an Electra Complex. He believed that no matter what the sexuality, it was a healthy outgrowth of development. Freud was a very interesting man and it is known that he studied mostly the people who were in mental institutions where he worked. This is why many researchers criticize his work. Do you think that studying the mentally ill tainted his results? Would you think that the

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