Monday, November 25, 2019

The notion that a state of freedom exists in America

The notion that a state of freedom exists in America is completely voided by narcotic laws. Narcotic laws cause a black market, which raises the prices of drugs to astronomical levels. These high prices cause drug addicts to turn to crime in order to support their habit. There exists substantial evidence that marijuana is less harmful than legal product like alcohol or nicotine. The war on drugs is comparable to the Vietnam War, in its harm on the current generation of minorities. The government avoids ending anti-narcotic legislation because of the vast amount of capital, which is spent on the war on drugs in terms of law enforcement and prison systems. Also there are many legislators whose campaign corner stones are often getting tough on drugs, to make an about face would mean political suicide. Yes, drugs are illegal. This very fact is what discourages many Americans from using drugs. The illegalities of the substances in question do not stop all people from using. Despite the severe punishment users of illicit drugs face if caught, illicit drug use is widespread in the United States. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse's 1992 National Household Survey, more than one in three Americans (36.2%) have used illegal drugs at least once in their lifetime, nearly 28 million Americans (11.1%) used them in the previous year, and almost 14 million Americans (5.5%) used them during the past month (Ivey). This is clear evidence that the war is not workin g. Drug addicts will continue using drugs regardless of the penalties associated with procession, simply because they are addicted to these dangerous substances and that takes precedence over fear or respect of the law. The White House Office of Drug Control Policy estimate that 20 percent of the nations cocaine users consume 66 percent of the nations cocaine (Ritter 2). For these addicts, attainment of drugs takes precedence over possible jail ti...

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