Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Courage in One against the wind essays

Courage in One against the wind essays In the movie One Against the Wind Mary Lindell presented many examples of courage. Everyone at some point during his or her lifetime will have at least one moment of true courage. The dictionary definition of courage is; lack of fear, bravery, and valor. There are many ways you can define courage. This paper will show different example of courage in the movie One Against the Wind. However the beginning of the movie Mary Lindell saved an English pilot, James Leggatt, from being caught by the army. She not only put herself into danger of being caught but also her son. She helped this man recover from his injuries by nursing him back to health. He escaped from the country with her help. This kind of risk could have gotten her and her family killed. After Mary saved James, others came to her for help. She could have turned them away but she helped them because of her compassionate nature. Mary was taking an even bigger risk with these men because she helped so many. She knew the risks that were involved and took them anyway. Mary was finally caught and sentenced to nine months in prison. While she was away her son, Maurice, took over the operation that his mother had started. He went against his mothers wishes to help these men. He was young and learned from his mother quickly. He was arrested and questioned about his mothers whereabouts. Through all the torture he held out and never told them were his mother was hiding. This kind of bravery was something that came from a sons love. Marys daughter, Barbet, was in love with a German Officer. Mary sort of disowned her. She didnt want anything to do with her daughter. While Maurice was in jail, Barbet went to the prison guards to get him released. She went against everything she believed in to get her brother released. She risked her citizenship and her relationship with the German Officer. ...

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