Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Summative assessment Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Summative assessment Case Study - Essay Example ntifies the biological, psychological and sociological perspectives on social interventions in the child development in relation to Connor in the case study. Some of the resilience traits and behaviours exhibited by children can be linked to the family set-up. The early childhood experiences are crucial in the determination childhood behaviour. Bowlbys Attachment Theory explains that the mental health and the challenges facing a person’s behaviour can be attributed to their early childhood behaviour (London, 2011; Heard, Lake and McCluskey, 2009). The theory stipulates that children are born biologically-configured to establish attachments with other people. The attachment behaviours are exemplified as fixed action patterns that share the same pattern. The angry outbursts that Connor exhibits could be biologically linked to his mother, Julie, who has a criminal record. Sarah, the relative who is supposed to take care of the boy, also has a criminal record. Connor’s inefficient speech skills and motor coordination can also be linked to Sarah, who has mild learning difficulties and performed dismally in school. Being placed u nder care of his aunt at the age of three years means that Connor should be made aware of maternal status i.e. should be informed that Sarah is not his biological mother. This may affect him emotionally leading to a negative influence on the motor coordination. The Community can also contribute in the determination of the behaviour of a child (Pereira, 2011). In the early childhood, Connor may emulate some of the behaviours from those around him. This is supported by Bowbly’s theory that asserts that a child behaves in a way that elicits contact to the care giver (Cortina and Marrone, 2004). The causes of resilient can also emanate from the child factors. The factors are primarily concerned with the physical development of the body, including the brain and the body. According to Aldgate (2006), every body development occurs according to a

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